Getting Close

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            I woke up early. I left the room I shared with Jeremy and ran into Jen. “Sorry” I said.

            “No problems. I actually wanted to talk to you.” She said.

            “Um…. Sure” I said and we headed off to the lobby. We found a table in the dining room.

            “So what’s your story?” She asked.

            “I don’t like talking about it.” I said.

            “Come on you can tell me anything.” She said. I laughed.

            “I felt like some of me rubbed off on you.” She was confused but gave up trying to understand.

            “So what I hear you somewhat of a god.”


            “Why were you looking at me yesterday?”

            “You remind me of the old Angel”

            “Old Angel?”

            “Yeah. The Angel I fell in love with. You’re so much like her. Except the hair. She had beautiful brown hair. But she changed it.” I said.


            “I don’t know”

            “Well don’t give up hope. She might fall in love with you yet. If you’re anything like Gram and I’m anything like her you’re a shoe-in.”

            “Sorry to burst your bubble but things have changed between us since I wrote you. Everything is different. It’s like we’re slipping. Soon we won’t even be friends. I’m scared” I said. She got up from her seat and walked over to me and hugged me. I felt like I was with Angel again. I wanted to hold her forever but I forced those feelings down. Then she did something I never expected. She kissed me. It was a quick kiss. I felt all my color drain to my cheeks.

            “And that’s so you know what to look forwards to. Don’t give up it’s too early to give up. Just wait.” She smiled and went back to her room. I sat there and started to think. Then an idea popped into my head. I ran back to the room to get dressed.


            “Why are we going here?” I asked. We had piled into the car and head off to a cabin in the woods. Each bump hurting even more like the last.

            “Because I may have an idea who’s behind this.” Grant said.

            “Who?” Jeremy asked.

            “A guy named Jake” He said.

            “How is he related to all this?” Gram said.

            “Maybe he wants revenge and teamed up with the witch, but while trying to pull Alexis they pulled Jen, Melody, and Mikela. But when they got Angel he may have thought he had her. That’s why Alexis and Kayla are ok.”

            “Good theory. Let’s hope your right” I said.

“Why are we out here? He could be anywhere.” Gram said.

            “He has a cabin out here. This is where he held Alexis the first time.”

            “And he might have the others out here. Right?” I said.

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