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            We arrived at a school. “Great just when you think you get out of school it pulls you back.” I said getting out of the car. Jack got out without a word and started walking off. “What’s his problem?”

            “His story is a real tragedy.” Grant said

            “Tell us” Jeremy said.

            “Well he and Mikela were best friends in high school. Mikela had just broken up with her boyfriend, Harry. He thought she left him for Jack and lost it. The next school day he brought a gun to school and tried to kill Mikela. Jack stepped in front of the gun saving Mikela but killing him.”

            “That’s impossible. He’s right there.” Jen pointed out.

            “But wait there’s more” He said. “Harry was arrested and was imprisoned for life. Mikela was pulled to pieces. She lived with his death for 20 years. Moved to New York, had a son, became a lawyer, and lead a happy life. Then her past caught up with her with a call form Harry. So she decided to try something new. One of Jack’s old friends invents time travel and he uses it so she can go back and get one last look at Jack but messes with time and accidently falls into a paradox where He was still alive.”

            “What about Jack? The Jack we know seems to have a lot of bad memories of this place.” Melody pointed out.

            “Well while 20 years pass, he becomes a Guardian Angel and watches over her. He’s the one who notices she’s gone and searches for her. She falls in love with the other Jack. Ghost Jack saves the day she returns home and God gives Jack his life back. Jack still hates Harry with a passion.”

            “Let’s hope he doesn’t kill him” Jeremy said.

            “We’ll need all the hope we can get.” Grant said. We entered the building through the gym. We walked across the gym and into the main building.

            “Hey this looks familiar.” I said.

            “It should. You, Jack, Jeremy, me. All got to school here.” Grant said.

            “I didn’t notice while I chased your butt down the hall”

            “You should have stopped to smell the roses.” Grant said.

            “Na, I wanted the bone” I said. We caught up with Jack and continued to walk. Suddenly a figure appeared at the end of the hallway.

            “How the hell did you brats get here?” The figure said. I knew exactly who it was.

            “It’s over you witch” I said.

            “Now, now, watch that temper. Don’t want you to lose you head.” Grant’s face changed from worry to excite.

            “Gram, Get mad.” He said.

            “Why” I said.

            “So you can fight her.”

            “I can’t fight her she’ll slaughter me.”

            “Not unless she’s scared of you”


            “Just do it”

            “Your fight isn’t with them it’s with me so bring it” I yelled at her.

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