Is This The Beginning?

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        I stood in front of my new class. The desks empty due to school not started back from lunch. I sat at my desk and pulled out my computer. I opened a file on my desktop and proceeded to work on the paper. Suddenly students began to file into my classroom. I closed my laptop and stood up. Students took their seats and began chatting to each other. Once everyone had taken a seat I began speaking.

"Hello students, I'm your new Creative Writing teacher Mr. Tann...." I saw that I had the attention of two of my students. Everyone else was talking to their friends or on their phones. I sighed and opened my computer. This time I opened a sound file and played it. A high pitch whistle screamed thought the classroom. Everyone complained and yelled, their attention broken from everything else. I stopped my computer, returning back to the front of the class.

"Now that I have you're attention let me introduce myself. I'm Mr. Tanner, I'm your new Creative Writing teacher. For the next year I'm here to introduce you into the world of writing." I began. A young girl raised her hand. I could tell that she was bored already. "Yes" I asked.

"Whats the point of writing if no one reads anymore?" She asked. I looked at my class roster and found her picture next to a name. I pulled over my chair and sat in it. I did my best to impersonate her body posture. I cleared my throat and began.

"The name's Allison Tefendor, I'm a prep. That means I'm only friends to anybody who's anybody. I"m loved by most and envied by more. I hail from New York, New York and I decree that this is the most boring class ever, hashtag bored out of my mind." I did my best to repeat her accent. The boy sitting next to her stood up angrily.

"Hey dude you just insulted my girlfriend." He yelled. I stood up my chair and shouted back

"I'm Josh Abernathy and I'm the captain of the football team. I'm only in this class because my girlfriends here and intend on doing none of the work and instead I'll be planing on the next big game. I don't even know anything about writing since my English grades ain't too good but who need English anyways." I spoke with my jockish voice. One of the students who were paying attention raised her hand.

"Do me, do me" she said. I sat quickly down and examined the room very quickly. I pulled out my glasses and put them on.

"Hi, I'm Jessie Veterman, I'm currently a level 140 warlock on World of Warcraft. I currently take several Advanced classes but I'm currently taking Creative Writing because I need to fill my schedule, so I figure Creative Writing should be hard enough for some one of a 5.8 GPA." I spoke quickly and with a high tone. Another student disgusted with my acting stood up.

"What's this got to do with Writing?" She complained. I stood up and followed suit.

"What are you getting at?" I scoffed. "Please explain." I spoke as nerd. "What you getting at dude?" I spoke as the jock. "What's the point?" I spoke as the preppy girl. I cleared my throat. "My point is that writing isn't about making a story. It's creating a world around your character. Giving your characters a story. Making their lives evolve in front of the readers eyes. It's like designing the perfect outfit for the evening, planing the big play to help you win the game, crafting the best wizard to defeat the boss, putting the best mixtape together, structuring the perfect poem. Writing gives you freedom to inspire you to use you're imagination to its limit. To make character you believe is perfect, perfect. To face the problems you keep inside and bring them out. You create something that not only entertains but brings about a new way of thinking. "I finished. There was a small scatter of applause from a few students. I bowed and returned to the chalkboard. "Now let's begin." I saw a hand shot up almost immediately. "Yes?" I asked.

"Do you write?" Jessie asked. I chuckled.

"Yes, I've been writing for a long time." I told her.

"Could you read us one of your stories?" There was a murmur of agreement.

"That would put us behind a week on our assignments." I told her.

"How about a deal then." She said. I raise an eyebrow.

"What kinda of deal?" I asked.

"If we hate your story, we'll do the assignment a week earlier and we won't bicker anymore." She spoke there was a murmur complaining but it died down.

"If you love it?" I asked.

"If we love it we'll still do it a week earlier, but we get to write what ever we want." She spoke. There was a murmur as I weighed the options.

"You got a deal." I said. I sat down and smiled. There was cheering among the students as they thought this was going to be easy. The cheering died down and everyone stared at me. There was a moment of silence before anyone spoke.

"Arn't you going to tell us." She asked. I smiled, knowing just the story to tell them.

"Before I can tell you my story, first I must tell you this."

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