One Last Story

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            We arrived at a big church. Grant seemed even more nervous than he was at the hotel. “Grant, why don’t you give us some background on this story before we walk in?” I said as we stood around the Charger.

“This story is closer to me than the last one. What I tell you is only to be said here and nowhere else, understand?” he said. We nodded and he began. “Ok this is Chris’s and Kayla’s story. They were friends. Went to church together. Hung out together. Best friends. They went to a party at the church. Chris fell asleep just as a guy came in with a gun. Now Chris is a heavy sleeper so he didn’t wake up. The guy killed the pastor, Kayla’s Boyfriend and other best friend. He would have killed Chris but Kayla protected him. This guy was sick so he made her….” He stopped. He was trying to put it easily.

“Become more intimate with him.” I said.

“Yeah” he said.

“Oh my god, you…..” Gram began. I shot him a look and he changed what he was going to say”……’ve got to go on. I can’t believe he did that.” Gram said. Grant knew what he was going to say and lowered his head. Jeremy put his arm over his shoulder.

 “Go on” he said.

 “While that was happening. Chris dreamed he was on a beach. She walked up to him and talked. The playfully fought until she was on top of him. She started to cry and repeating I’m sorry and don’t wake up. He got that feeling and begged her to stop. She told him she couldn’t and it got more intense. He jumped from under her and ran trying to wake himself up. He found a rock and tried to cut himself. But his body tightened up and suddenly relaxed. He knew what had happened. He heard the man’s voice and got angry. When he finally woke up he stood up to the man. He would have been killed but he grabbed the gun and beat the guy. He helped Kayla up and get dressed. The guy woke up and tried to strangle him but he shot and killed him. Now their deciding what to do. That’s as far as I ever got with it. The other stories are still ideas. This is my only other one I’ve got to check.” He ended.

“Wow, that is deep.” I said.  “Now that we know how to handle the situation we know what to say and do. Let’s go.”

            We walked into a giant room. There were kid’s talking and playing all over the place. Grant spotted Chris and Kayla. We started to walk but Grant didn’t follow.

“What’s wrong?” I said.

“This hits too close to home. I can’t” He said.

“Grant, only you can help us. You know this story better than any of us. We need you. Angel needs you.” I said. He straighten his back and popped his knuckles.

“For Angel” he said.

 “For Jen” Gram chimed in.

 “For Melody” Jeremy said.

 “For Mikela” I said. Grant joined us and we walked towards Chris and Kayla. Chris turned around as we approached. He stared at Grant in disbelief.

“Can I help you?” He asked still staring at Grant.

“Yes we were wondering if we could talk to you.” I said.

“Sure.” He said. Grant, Gram and Jeremy walked off with him and I stayed to talk to the girl.

“Have you seen anything weird in the last couple of days?” I asked.

“Besides the fact that Chris has a twin?” she said.

“Yeah, I’ll explain that some other time.” I said.

“Well then no nothing out of the usual.” She said.

“Oh” I said.

“Listen whatever is going on please be careful with Chris. He’s been through a lot. And I don’t want to see him get hurt.” She said.

“I have a feeling that as long as he has you he should be fine.” I said. The boys returned and we left.

“Now where?” I asked.

“Grant figured that we should check the witch’s house. She’s the only one we know with enough power to make the girls disappear.” Jeremy said. I saw that Gram was finally afraid to do something.


“Don’t worry as long as we are moving in the right direction, Jen should be with you in no time.” I said.

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