Seeking the Truth.

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            We knocked on the door. This Grant kid wanted to check it what was happing had spreaded to his other stories. We arrived at a hotel and he asked the guy at the front desk some questions and he told us to follow. We went up the elevator and to room 407. I could tell he was nervous because he was shaking. He knocked on the door and we heard someone say just a minute. The Door opened to reveal another kid that exactly like Grant. The kid must have noticed because he was confused when he saw him. He began to speak but Grant cut him off.

“May we come in?” the boy nodded his head and opened the door. As we walked in he asked us to be quiet. The room was a total mess. Clothes were everywhere. The boy picked up a few shirts and threw them in a bag. I sat in a chair, Jack took the other bed, Gram stood by Jack, and Grant leaned against a wall. I noticed that there was someone lying in the other bed. It made a little more sense but I was still scratching my head.

“What’s this about?” the boy asked.

“Alex, I could go into a crazy explanation, but we just came to check on Alexis. “Grant said.

“Look I don’t care who you are but as you can see she’s fine” He said pointing to the bed. Jack explained what Grant was trying to say. Alex, I guess that’s his name, understood. I guess he’s seen some things. After Jack stopped talking the girl started to whimper then began to cry and begging for her puppy. I figured who it was. Alex sighed and began to walk over. Grant stopped him.

 “It’s ok I’ll do it.”

 “But she only will calm down to me.” He said. He stood there for a moment then rolled his eyes.

“I guess you can prove to me who you say you are.” He said. Grant walked over to her sat on the bed. He rubbed her hair and kept repeating:

“It’s ok I’m right here.” to her. Her eyes opened and she instantly grabbed him and hugged him. She held onto him, whispering. Then her body when limp and he placed her down on the bed. Alex was amazed. Grant walked out of the room crying. I got up and followed him. I soon as I left the room I found him outside the door in a little ball crying. I sat next to him and tried to comfort him. He stopped crying.

 “Why don’t you start from the beginning?” I said. He nodded understanding what I meant.

“Alex and Alexis are best friends. They did everything together. They planned to go on a camping trip with her family, but Alex got sick and Alexis was forced to go. She went on a hike through the forest and was kidnapped. She was gone for months. Despite what everyone said, Alex still looked for her. She was tormented, tortured and brutalized. She would have been raped but she escaped. Alex went to the trail to look for her. Just as she was about to give up, he heard her cry out puppy and he saved her. She was traumatized for the rest of her life. Her security is Alex. He has to sleep with her, take a shower with her, and calm her down after a nightmare, just so she can live an almost perfect life. She will never date him because she’s afraid. Even though she’s kinda living with him. The guy who kidnaped her before finds her and does it again only Alex finds out where he is and beats the living daylights out of him and wins her heart.” He explained.

“Wow that’s deep” I said.

“I know it’s not like any story I had written until…” he said.

“Until?” I asked.

“You’ll find out soon enough, but I left because Alexis and Angel are the same person. All my character’s look like people I know until I mold the story more. Just like Gram and Jen, Jack and Mikela, And You and Melody. You all started looking like me and Angel until I made you unique.” He said. I was puzzled.

“I’ll explain in due time.” We waited for Gram and Jack then left.

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