prologue - taylor

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Written by: thetorturedpoet_13

I had always felt alone, a little different really. My family was pretty much private and kept to themselves and my mother, who was my best friend since I could remember did her best to entertain me, take me and my little brother to the park, the museum, but my favorite place was always the library.

And a fateful rainy Wednesday she took me there again. and we ran into a woman carrying a baby om her arm, about Austin's age and had trouble keeping the radiating with energy boy at her side still. "Sorry, I should probably take him out or something I swear you can't let them out of the house or well into a house even once."

My mother had laughed and told her it's all-good starting to chat with her as I went to the boy my age and tapped onto his shoulder. He turned around to me, his green exes meeting mine. "Why are you so jumpy?" I asked curiously, tilting my head to the side as he stopped.

"Cause I wanna go out in the park and run!" He grinned at me. "But we're in a libawy, libawies are boring!" He whines with a slight lisp but it suited him. He had a tooth gap in the front and seemed to just burst with energy.

"No they're not, they are so cool, want me to prove it?"

He nodded and let me pull him with me towards my favorite books and let me rant about them, in awe of the little girl before him.

And that was the day I met my best friend, Travis.

From that day on we were inseparable. Whether it was in school or else where you could not get one of us without the other. I spent most of the time at his house since I loved the loud atmosphere the livelihood that completely contrasted to the stiff silence and quiet of my childhood home.

My father had forbidden us to invite over any kind of friends so the only times Travis ever saw my home was when he picked me up and I rode on the back of it to his, my arms around him.

The curious 4-year-olds turned 10 and yet we were still so close, our friendship blossoming. Most kids our age started to go apart, transforming from boy girl friendships to "couples" and crushes and giggles but we stayed the same.

Okay maybe not the same but we swore to each other that nothing would ever tear apart our friend and even if my heart sped up the way they described it in books, a silly little crush wasn't worth mentioning when we could have our friendship instead.

I never thought I would have to say goodbye to him... until that fateful day where I found all my books and things packed away and mom said we were moving. I didn't even get to say goodbye to Travis and my heart broke when we drove off with the big moving van, sobbing inconsolably for hours.

I didn't see Travis again, not for a whole of 20 years. And when I did... I was on a pole. 

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