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Written by: @shiningjustforyou13 

Travis' POV

I rushed home, heart pounding, lashing against my chest like a whip struck by someone I couldn't stop. Taylor, Taylor, Taylor. Her name echoed in my mind, pure fear that Alison had done the worst and taken my best friend away from me even worse than last time, hurt her, killed her. The threat hung over my head. I had to find her.

The road sped away beneath the wheels of my car, far over the speed limit, far beyond caring. I couldn't deny my heart any longer. I did love Taylor, and I'd give up my whole life for a sliver of hope towards her safety. Nothing had ever made me feel that way before, and that was how I knew she was the girl worth all of this.

I burst through the front door, shouting out her name, and I got no answer. But the one worn pair of sneakers she owned were sitting by the door, so she had to be home.

As I closed the door, my fingers rose to my lips, touching the ghost of Alison's lips that remained. I'd been so shocked that when she'd leaned in and kissed me, I hadn't stopped her. I hated that my heart was torn between the two women, but Taylor wasn't ruining my life like Alison was. And I didn't love her. I just wanted her. I loved Taylor. How had it taken me so long to realize that?

Wiping the last traces of dark cherry lipstick from my mouth, I pushed that damn woman out of my mind for the last time. She didn't deserve my thoughts. All she'd done was steal and ruin and be a giant pain in my ass, despite being magnetic as hell. But enough was enough. Taylor was my girl, and I hope she knew that. We'd always belonged to each other. I had to stop this, and the fear that she'd been hurt beyond what I could save her from had made me realize that.

"Tiger?" I called out again, and I heard a clatter from the bathroom. When I pushed the door open I saw Taylor bent over, picking up the things she'd knocked down. "Tiger." I whispered in relief, and she whirled around like I'd startled her even though I'd been shouting.

"Travis." She breathed.

"Tiger I need to tell you something." I reached out, took her hand, and Taylor swallowed, pressing her lips so tightly together they all but disappeared. "Tiger, Taylor." I whispered her name reverently. I might call her Tiger, but she was my Taylor and she always would be. "I can't help it Tiger, I just can't." I drew her closer, encased her in my arms like I could protect her from everything even though I'd been so shit at it so far. Taylor peeked up at me, her hands slipping up my chest to rest against my neck. She looked so torn, and I was scared that she knew what I was going to say and didn't want me to, but when no word of protest came, I sighed and pressed my forehead against hers. "Taylor." This was a moment for her real name. "Taylor, I do love you. I know I'm not supposed to, and everything's going to shit with that fucking Medusa woman messing with us, but I love you with my whole heart and I can't help it, you were right. I'll give it all up for you okay? Whatever you want, just say the word we can get out. I just want you Taylor, that's all I want."

"Travis." Taylor whispered, her breath washing over my lips, and she was so close I couldn't help myself. She'd always been so addictive, and she was all I cared about anymore. She was my world.

Pulling her a fraction of an inch closer, I pressed my lips to hers. For the first time, I let myself feel it, feel my heart beating for her, my veins pounding for her, my blood boiling for her. She was my girl whether she accepted that I loved her or not. It was okay if she didn't. Well, actually, it would break my heart, but at least I would have tried. That would be enough. I knew she loved me, but this was all so fucked up that I wouldn't blame her from walking away.

But then I stilled. Something felt wrong. Taylor was too tentative, and as I tasted her lips, I tasted a dark, familiar cherry tinge.

A taste I knew all too well, and my blood turned to ice. No.

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