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Written by: @shiningjustforyou13 

Travis' POV

"Because I'm in love with you Travis, and I know it will break my heart when you go back to her."

Taylor's words echoed and faded away into silence, and tears welled up in my eyes. I buried my face into her neck from behind, shaking slightly. I couldn't help it.

"Travis?" She turned over, taking my face in her hands and lifting it up. "Travis I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"Yes you did Tiger, but it's okay." I sniffed, wiping my eyes. "That's not unreasonable to think, but I would never go back to her after this. I hate that woman, but there was just something there and we ended up in bed. But after what she did to you..." I shook my head, clutching her closer. "Tiger I would never. You heard me. If we can get through this, maybe we can work out enough that I can give you a family. I can't pass the business on, but I can get rid of it. You have to die to get out if you're the leader, but if I pack it up then that's my out. We can go far away from here."

Taylor started to cry, wrapping her arms around her neck and sobbing just as much as I was. I held her tightly, wishing there was some way I could take away all of her pain. All of this had been because of me. I'd started this, and even though I never wanted to live a life without her, maybe it would have been better for her if we'd never found each other.

But then I pushed that thought away. That wasn't something I could change now, and I just wanted to look after Taylor. She was injured, exhausted, had recently lost her second baby and she just needed support. I'd give that to her.

Taylor and I lay there for a long time, and eventually our tears dried. She remained in my arms and I held her close, comforting myself as much as I was comforting her.

"Do you need anything?" I murmured a while later, rhythmically stroking her hair. Taylor shrugged, looking like she had absolutely no energy. "Sleep?" I asked, and she adamantly shook her head.

"Tell me a story." She whispered.

I thought about it for a few minutes, not knowing what to say. But then I settled on something she might like, and I kissed her forehead before starting to talk.

"Once upon a time." I started. "There was a really stupid eighteen year old Travis Kelce." Taylor giggled tiredly, sinking her fingers into my shirt like she thought she had to hold me into place. "It was the day I graduated high school." I told her. "There was this huge party with everyone in my year, and one of them lived on a farm so we used this massive barn on their property." God, that seemed like an age ago. "And eighteen year old Travis had a little bit too much to drink, and him and the guy whose farm it was decided it would be a great idea to drive a tractor in the dark. We drove it down the track where the cows went to the shed, and then we drove it into the lake."

"You didn't." Taylor giggled.

"It was so dark." I chuckled. "We just jumped out and stood there staring at it. It was sticking half out of the water. His parents were so mad, but it was the funniest night of my damn life."

"I like that story." Taylor sounded like she was smiling. Mission accomplished. "Did you have a girlfriend?"

"Jealous?" I teased, and she huffed at me. "No, not really. I messed around with a few girls, but they never liked the vibe of my family, and rightly so. I couldn't tell them we were mafia, so eventually I just gave up on the whole dating thing." I tightened my arms around her. "For the most part." Taylor nodded, falling quiet.

A few minutes later, she shifted to look up at me. There was a strange expression on her face, like she was contemplating something, but before I could figure out what it was, Taylor had reached up and cupped my jaw. She stretched up and kissed me softly, her lips warm and salty with dried tears.

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