twenty three

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Written by: @shiningjustforyou13  

Travis' POV

I lay back with a sigh, already missing Taylor. We'd made a plan for her to go back to Scott and Austin, pretend to beg for forgiveness, get the inside look at things. I hadn't heard anything so I assumed it had worked for now.

Her father and brother had done the unthinkable. They'd fucking kidnapped Kylie, who was the brightest soul in the universe and had never done anything to deserve this shit. She was almost nine months pregnant for God's sake. I was worried sick about her and the baby, but Taylor had assured me she'd take care of it. I knew she'd die before any harm came to Kylie or her baby.

"I love you." Taylor had whispered before leaving, lingering with her lips on mine. "I'll be back."

"Be safe." I'd whispered back. "Come home safe to me little Tiger."

"I will." She sighed, closing her eyes as she kissed me one more time. "I'll get them out safe Travis. I promise."

A tear trickled down my cheek as I lay there thinking about Taylor in that awful place with her family. I was scared for her, even though I knew she could handle herself probably better than I ever could. She was still Medusa after all, Alison, the mafia queen.

God. Medusa. I didn't even know what to think about it. I hadn't had the heart to push Taylor away, to kill her, but my trust was still fragile. She had my love and my soul, but I was so scared that she'd fuck me over again and this was all just a ruse to end me once and for all. I'd fallen for it once after all. I knew I'd fall for it again because I loved her, but I hoped to God that Taylor was actually my Tiger this time. Just her.

Reaching over, I touched the pillow next to me. The faint blonde strands she'd left behind. I rubbed my fingers over them, thinking about how her body had felt pressed close against mine, her skin flushed and warm. I missed her.

But I couldn't just lie there and think about her. It wasn't like I still had much of a city to run anymore since technically Taylor – or Alison – had taken most of all I had. But I was still the leader, so I had things to do.

I got up, showered, and got dressed before leaving the house. I'd given Taylor a little burner phone to hide on her person so that we could keep in contact, so I put my phone's volume up in case she reached out. I wanted to be there if she needed anything at all, since her family might not trust her even though it seemed like they'd taken her back. She would have come back already if they hadn't.

"Travis, fuck!" Jason lifted his head when I walked in, his eyes red and raw, but his face set in a determined expression.

"I know." I said in a quiet voice.

"No, they fucking got Ky!" Jason's voice rose.

"I know!" My voice rose to match his, and he blinked at me. "I know." I sighed. "And we're taking care of it."

"Taking care of it how?"

I almost didn't want to admit to him how we were taking care of it. He was close to grabbing a gun and going out to hunt Taylor down himself for what she'd done to our business, and I knew that he would not be happy to hear that she was the one Kylie's life depended on right now. Kylie was surely terrified as well. Taylor had to act like she was Kylie's kidnapper since there were cameras and mics all over that place and she had to keep herself safe in order to keep Kylie safe. To keep the baby safe.

"How?" Jason demanded when I didn't answer.

"Leave us for a moment." I ordered, and the few people in the office quickly gathered up their things and scrambled away. They knew better than to do anything except move fast. "Jason, sit down." I told my brother.

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