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Jess and Miguel stood there in silence staring at Johnny waiting for him to say anything but Miguel speaks up first.

"So are we going to get the karate pyjamas too?" He asks and Jess lowers her head in embarrassment.

"Quiet" her dad shouts making Miguel stand up straight "student only speak when spoken to is that understood?"

"Yes..." Miguel starts

"Sensei" Jess whispers to him

"Yes sensei" Miguel says

"These aren't pyjamas it's a gi and you'll get one when you've earned it" Johnny states "are you ready to start your training"

"Yes sensei" they both answer and then Miguel is quickly thrown to the ground and Jess lets out a laugh.

"Lesson one, never wait for the enemy to attack" Johnny says as Miguel tries to stand back up "mercifulness is for the weak and the enemy deserves no mercy"

Miguel starts to use his inhaler and Jess mentally face plants knowing what her dad will say.

"What is the problem Mr Diaz" he demands

"Well you punched me and I have asthma so..." Miguel starts before being cut off by Johnny throwing the inhaler across the room

"Not anymore" he says "weakness doesn't belong in this dojo so you can take your asthma and peanut allergies and other made up bullshit outside is that understood"

"Yes sensei" Jess answers

"Yess sensei but those are real medical..." Miguel starts before Jess hits in on the arm "yes sensei"

"Cobra Kai isn't just about karate, it is a way of life, take that as the first lesson" Johnny states pointing to the three statements painted on the wall, phrases that Jess has heard many times before "striking first is the first step towards victory. Like when your at a party and see a hot babe, are you going to wait for some other guy to talk to her?" He asks Miguel

"Well I've never been to a party so" Miguel says and Jess mentally face palms

"Look striking first is about being aggressive and if you not aggressive then your a pussy and no one wants to be a pussy, you want to have balls" Johnny tells Miguel

"Don't you think you're doing a lot of genderising?" Miguel asks


"Sorry, don't you think your doing a lot of genderising sensei" Miguel repeats

"Don't bother" Jess tells him

"Well you know my guidance counsellor says..."

"Quiet!" Johnny shouts "your not going to listen to your guidance counsellor you will listen to me"

"Yes sensei"

"Now 50 push ups on your knuckles"

After Miguel fails to do a single push up some guy came in to talk about paper work and certain things that need to be done before Johnny could actually open the dojo which meant Jess and Miguel spent the rest of the day cleaning the space to make it more presentable.

Until the end - Eli Moskowitz/HawkWhere stories live. Discover now