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"So you may ask what the team does after winning the championship" Aisha says to her phone as she records herself "victory nachos!" She pans the camera to show the food. Jess was in between Eli and Moon in the booth with Demetri opposite and Miguel sat alone. "It was supposed to be a round of drinks, but the waitress was not feeling Hawks fake ID"

"Hey don't talk about that, my parents follow you" Eli says

"Sorry Mr and Mrs Moskowitz" Aisha says to the camera "until next time, no mercy bitches" and with that she turns off the recording and sits down.

"I've gotta say, it's nice to be at a victory party" Demetri states

"Yeah, expect you had nothing to do with the victory" Eli says taking the nacho out of Demtri's hand and eating it.

"Then I consider it a belated party for the coding competition we won at computer camp" Demetri says "remember? Demetri and Eli, binary brothers" he sing causing the girls to laugh.

"Cool it with the nerd shit huh" Eli says leaning in

Jess takes Eli's hand under the table "it's sweet" she smiles and Eli sits back in his chair "let's go find Miguel" she suggests and they get up together.

"Ankle all good?" He asks as they walk over to him

"All better" she smiles up at him

"El Serpiente, there you are" Eli says to Miguel

"Is this really how to celebrate a first place trophy?" Jess says sitting down

"She blocked me" Miguel tells them and Jess sighs

"So what happens when you get blocked? You counterpunch" Eli explains "except don't actually hit her this time" he laughs and Jess stares at him "what too soon"

"I think it will always be too soon" she states "what he's saying is you shouldn't give up"

"It's no use. I blew any shot I had with her"

"She might just need some time, she could come around" Jess says trying to be reassuring

"Or she won't" Eli mentions "but you're a champ now, you can get any chick in the Valley if you want. You're like Drake enjoy it" Eli hits his arm before standing up

"I'm not sure I want to be Drake" Miguel says and Jess pats him on the back before leaving again.

Before they reach the table again Jess pulls Eli away and into a less open area.

"Already want more" he smirks

"Shut up" she says "I just want to know what the deal is now"

"Well I like you" he tells her

"I like you too" she says back and there was a pause "soooo" she implies tilting her head

He stares confused and then realises "oh, would you like to go on a date" he asks

"I'd love to" she smiles and leans in to kiss him

"Don't you want to save that for the date?" He teases

"You're insufferable" she says before kissing him for a second time that day.

It was the first session after the tournament and Jess arrived with Miguel and Eli. Her dad told her all about how Kreese came to the dojo and how they met up to chat the night before. All she ever heard about Kreese growing up was a mix positive and negative so she didn't know what to expect from him.

"I'm getting my license next week" Eli tells them "my mom's gonna give me her Sentra. I think I'll put a blue racing stripe down the middle, good to tail"

"Subtle, I like it" Miguel says

"As long as you can drive me around I don't mind" Jess says

"Looks like we've got some new students" Miguel says looking at the unrecognisable teens outside the dojo.

"Check this out" Eli says walking up to them

"Be nice" Jess tells him but it was too late

"Hey, mouth-breathers. Move it" he says to them

"I'll get the door" one of them say opening the door for the three of them

"So you want or be cobra Kai's yeah" Eli says moving the make them flinch "you've got a long road ahead of you" he and Miguel walk in

"Don't mind him" Jess says before following them inside

"What happened here?" Miguel asks as he looks around at the broken mirror and fire damage.

"You don't want to know" Jess says putting her bag down

"Quiet!" Johnny shouts "dojo is closed to new students today" he says causing them to leave "come back tomorrow, and bring your checkbooks. Everyone fall in!"

"Were you celebrating all weekend Sensei?" Miguel asks him, Jess already knowing the answer to that.

"Celebrating what?" Johnny asks "that my students are a bunch of pussies. Diaz, Hawk up front" he ordered causing them to move to the front "Hawk, did you attack your opponent when his back was turned?"

"Yes sensei" he replies, questioning a bit and looking towards Jess for an answer

"Diaz. Did you purposely attack your opponent's injury?"

"Yes sensei" Miguel responds

"You think that makes you badass?" He asks them but they don't respond "what's the matter, too tough a question? Maybe you need some help" Johnny turns to the class. "Jess. Two Cobras in the jungle, one kills the strongest lion, the other kills the crippled monkey. What cobra do you want to be?"

"The one that kills the lion" she answers

"And why is that?"

"Because it killed the stronger animal" she expands

"Correct!" He exclaims "Cobra Kai is about being badass. And the badest badass is the one that kills their opponent when they're at their strongest." He faces Eli "not when his back is turned" then Miguel "not when he's injured" he
faces the class again "is that understood"

"Yes sensei!"

"So no more cheating. No more fighting dirty" he claims "those are pussy moves, and you don't want to be pussies do you?"

"No sensei!"

"No, that's why you're wearing your white belts. We're starting over. Diaz, Hawk 50 pushups on your knuckles. Jess warm them up"

After class Johnny gave the students an assignment to watch the film 'Over the Top', of course Jess had already seen it but she still went with her friends to Eli's house to watch it all together. They sat in his tv room on the couches. Jess sat next to Eli while the movie was playing.

"So what are you thinking about for this date?" She asked him

"You know, an expensive candle lit dinner with personal waiters to feed us" he joked

"Arcade?" She asks smiling

"How could you guess?" He smiles too.


Until the end - Eli Moskowitz/HawkWhere stories live. Discover now