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Johnny spent the day trying to make Robby and Miguel friends which wasn't effective until they fought it all out. Johnny also accidentally slipped about the baby to them both so now everyone knows.

They were at the Diaz's having dinner when Carmen walks in.

"Hi mom" Miguel says

"Hi Miss Diaz" Robby says

"Hi" she responds, confused about everyone being there.

"I hope it's cool I'm here" Robby asks

"It's very cool" Carmen replies "you're welcome here anytime Robby"

"Hola" she says to Jess and she smiles back at her.

Johnny and Daniel were back working together as Sensei's. Despite them not being to have dojos after the losing the All Valley, they decided that the kids still needed to train.

Jess was on the phone to Devon. "You seriously joined Cobra Kai?" Jess asks

"Yeah" Devon answers.

"Just be careful okay, you already know what I think so I'm not going to say it but just know the door is always open for you here" Jess reminds her before hanging up. Jess feels somewhat responsible for Devon, she almost felt like a little sister to her. As much as she didn't want Devon in Cobra Kai she couldn't make that decision for her.

Jess puts her phone in her bag and walks outside to where Miguel, Demetri and Eli are stretching.

"So you and Sam back in the dojo" Eli says to Miguel "game on right?"

"Yeah, game on for karate that's it" Miguel responds

"Come on I see you staring at her" Eli says

"I thought you were keeping it platonic?" Demetri asks

"Yeah, she did, he didn't" Jess says

"Well you know what they say" Demetri puts his arm around Miguel "put a box of matches near some fire works and soon enough, sparks will fly"

"Literally no one says that" Jess says

They watch as Robby walks in "something tells me it's about to be the Fourth of July" Demetri adds

"Can't believe that price of shit is gonna be on our team" Eli says and Jess hits his arm.

"Relax, he wants what we want, it's going to be okay" Miguel tells them "how's sharing a room with him going?"

"Yeah fine" she says "he's cramping my style a bit though"

"What he's not too keen on the band posters and endless amounts of books?" Eli asks jokingly

Suddenly, Chozen calls them all over.

"Where are my dad and Johnny?" Sam asks

"Not here" Chozen tells them "today you will train with me. Attention!" He shouts and they all stand ready "Cobra Kai gaining ground. We must prepare. Come" he shows them the table "now we learn about Yanbaru Kuina"

"What is that?" Chis asks "like some top secret karate move?"

"No. It's a bird" Chozen answers "in English called Okinawa rail. Endangered. Cannot fly" he gets out a pack of eggs

"These are the real eggs?" Miguel asks

"No. Trader Joe's. $3.29" Chozen replies "take egg" he says and everyone grabs one

"What do we do with them?" Jess asks

"Yanbaru Kuina must protect egg. From Kume Sima habu. Poison snake" he tells them "you must do same" he flips the hourglass over "begin your preparation"

Until the end - Eli Moskowitz/HawkWhere stories live. Discover now