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It was the day of the All Valley Tournament. Miguel's mom drove him and Jess there in the morning since she was watching. Miguel was still pretty upset about the night before but so was Jess, just for other reasons.

"Yo, Miguel, calm down man. Save it for the tournament" Eli says to Miguel as he punches the air.

"Don't bother" Jess says hitting Eli's arm "the breakup has made him frustrated"

"Where's sensei" he asks Jess "tournament is going to start soon"

"He'll be here" Aisha says

"I don't know about that" Bert comments causing them to look at him confused "I saw him last night at the mini mall, I was buying a...carton of milk.when I heard him yelling in the parking lot"

"Why didn't you tell us earlier" Aisha exclaims

"Yeah we're here and he's not what if something happened to him like he drove off a cliff or bought a gun and blew his brains out" Eli says concerned

"Okay are you done" Jess says and they turn to her "he is fine and he's coming, there was just something that pissed him off last night. If he doesn't we can just do it without him"

"Do what without him" Johnnie says from behind her ruffling her hair causing her to scrunch her face.

"We were worried you wouldn't come" Eli says

"I'd never back out of a fight" Johnny tells him

"All right let's sign up" Miguel says

"Not yet" Johnny says "there's one more lesson I've got to teach you"

They all go inside and make a circle around Johnnie to let him speak.

"You've all learned to strike first, be aggressive, not be losers. I've taught you how to strike hard, put every ounce of you power behind everything you do" he pauses "but I haven't taught you the third rule of Cobra Kai. No mercy. The older you get the more you learn that life isn't fair. You wake up one morning feeling great and life throws a a spinning heel kick to your balls and takes a big steaming shit in your mouth." Jess realises that he is talking about Robby training with LaRusso. "You get an F on a test, you get suspended, you fall in love with a girl and some other dude comes and steals her away. Car gets set on fire. Just when you think everything is going good, everything falls apart, that's how it goes. Life shows no mercy so neither do we. We do whatever it takes to win. Remember that your Cobra Kai"

"Cobra Kai!" Miguel shouts

"Now let's get down there and kick the shit out of everyone" Johnny tells them.

Miguel starts to take out his go before Johnny stops him "no, you're not wearing those"

"Welcome everyone to the 50th annual All Valley under 18s Karte Championship!" The presenter introduces "let's start by welcoming all the local dojos competing today."

"Nervous?" Eli asks Jess

"A little" she answers "you?"

"A little" he responds

"From Reseda, returning to the tournament we have..." the presenter starts but is interrupted by the students running in chanting 'Cobra Kai'

"And that's what I call an entrance! And a badass name for a dojo"

"Go Jess!" Moon shouts from the crowd causing Jess to look up.

"And finally fighting unaffiliated form North Hills, we have Mr Robby Keene" the presenter introduces. As he does Jess turns to look at her dad before watching Robby find his space on the mat.

"Alright folks get ready because it's Karate time"

(I've decided to do the tournament in two parts because I feel like there is a lot to cover)


Until the end - Eli Moskowitz/HawkWhere stories live. Discover now