8) A Trip and Stalker

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3rd pov

Cosette was leaving today. She hoped she would be back soon, but she had to get him off her trail. That meant getting rid of everything that could be traced or tracked.

So, as Cosette got into her truck and waved to Jim and Toby, she could only think of how bad it would be if shit went down.

She was ready to free herself of the chains that bound her to that dreadful man. And she would do anything for it.


3 days later


Cosette was officially lost. She's only been driving for one and a half days. She has been stopping frequently to get gas, as her truck was terrible on it.

She knew she was only 30 miles from Arcadia, according to the mileage on the dashboard. It was 30 above what it was before she left.

Cosette was anxious and tired, but she was also determined and resilient. She wanted to get further. She needed to get further.

It was late into the afternoon, nearly midnight.


3 hours later


Cosette had stopped the vehicle to get gas again, at the only gas station for mileas around. Woods and Fields were everywhere. It was beautiful compared to what it is in the city near her college.

Although, even in the middle of nowhere, she was unnerved. Uncomfortable, even. She had this feeling of being watched. It was terrible.

When she heard the click of the gas nozzle, she hopped off the side of her truck to take it out. Putting the nozzle where it belongs, she closes the gas cap and locks it.

She had used so much gas to get this far, and she wasn't even that far.

Sighing, she walks around the truck to go inside the gas station to get some sort of snack.

She grabs a bag of chips and a big red soda. She also grabs a banana Laffy Taffy before heading to the cash register.

She pays and heads back out to her truck, yawning as she does so. She still hasn't slept in the last 3 days. It was getting bad. She would see things she knew wasn't there, like shadows or her brother. The hallucinations came with a terrible ringing in her ear. It wasn't healthy for her.

But when Cosette begins to pull out of the gas station, she gets a call. She sees the name and has to hold herself back. She was sure he was tracking her at the moment, and she needed to keep going.

With that in mind, she ignores the phone and keeps driving.

A mile or two away from the gas station, she thinks she sees a deer by the road. So, she slows to a stop to let it cross, her lights on so she can alert other drivers. Only the deer doesn't move. It just stares at her.

Unbeknownst to Cosette, there was no deer. And while she kept calling out slurs at it, a certain pair of yellow eyes watch her in confusion from the back window.

The deer eventually vanishes, to which she realizes how crazy she must have seemed. She continues on, tiredly driving down the road.


2 weeks later


Cosette had abandoned it all. Her truck, her phone, her everything. All electronics and stuff that could hide tracking devices. She was done with this. After pulling out all of her money from her bank, she buys a new car and phone, the latter receiving a new phone number and such.

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