the stinging sensation

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(  12  ) CHAPTER TWELVE —— ❛ ♜ ❜ CHAOTIC

# ꒷. i will obliviate you %

        THE PAST COUPLE OF WEEKS, Regulus had been acting weird. It was like he was hiding something from his friends, and that worried them.

        It was common knowledge in their little group that the prestigious House of Black took blood purity seriously, and with the new dark force that had been rising in the wizarding world, the three were getting more and more worried about their friend.

        Being in Slytherin had its perks: you hear everything that's going on in the wizarding world, at the Ministry, in the papers, and the things that are hushed to the public because half of the students' parents worked higher up in the Ministry. Over the past thirty some years, there had been rumor of a powerful wizard out, launching the idea of magical supremity, and only five years ago, the dark, powerful wizard openly introduced himself as the Dark Lord, or Lord Voldemort, and his followers took upon the name Death Eaters.

        Together, they did heinous acts to the people of Britain, and tried to overthrow the Ministry completely. It scared muggleborns, because they knew that the Dark Lord was out for people like them. He wanted them all tortured and killed. Over the years, the Death Eaters, whose identities were secret, had established places within the Ministry to act as spies for the Dark Lord.

        Ember knew her family would never suscept to thinking like he did, but she also knew that the Blacks had shared opinions with the Dark Lord their whole lives. Nessa's family had too, and she knew it was only a matter of time before they were forced into it.

        Sirius had always disagreed with his family's views, but Regulus did everything he could to please his parents, and it was only a matter of time before he had to become what they were, because Merlin knows the Blacks at least had ties with the Dark Lord.

       The prior few weeks, Regulus had been spending a bit more time with his dorm mates, Rabastan and Evan, who were both purebloods with powerful last names, and who were probably already young Death Eaters, if not in the near future.

        Ember couldn't talk to Nessa about her worry for Regulus, because she had the same worry for Nessa, who suffered the same fate. Regulus had been sneaking around late at night, or staying in the common room a few hours later than everyone else. He wrote more letters, acted more proper, and spoke less, and it terrified her to the point she almost forgot that she had to go spend two weeks with his family in just a couple of weeks.

        She had wrote her mother the night prior, hoping to get a response by the time the morning mail came in. Thankfully, it seemed to be her lucky day.

        Her family owl, Hugo, swooped down at breakfast time, two letters tied to his leg. Ember took the one with her maman's elegant scrawl on it, leaving the one that read James alone. Hugo left Ember's table, then flew to the Gryffindor table to find James.

        Ember opened up the letter, making sure no one was reading it over her shoulder.


        I'll be completely honest with you, Ember, I don't want you to stay at the Black's house all of Easter break. You know what they did to Sirius, and I don't want them to even think about doing that to you. I understand Regulus asked you to be there, but I am not comfortable with you staying with a teenage boy who has you-know-what on his mind, let alone with that family. I want you home for Easter break or at Hogwarts.

CHAOTIC  .  .  .  sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now