bless you, merlin

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(  5  )      ⌇ CHAPTER FIVE —— ❛ ♜ ❜ CHAOTIC

# ꒷. what is he, a feminine product? %

        SIRIUS WINCED as Ember peeled back the bandage on his chest. She dabbed it clean with a cloth and used her wand to assist.

        "I still can't believe you have a boyfriend," James said. He was lying on his bed, tossing a golden snitch up in the air. James's bedroom was very different from Ember's. He had a queen sized bed in the corner, two tall windows centered on the wall. His comforter was Gryffindor red with ivory sheets, a dark headboard framing his bed.

         His walls were stark white with one accent wall that matched the red of his comforter. He had various quidditch posters on the walls and a Gryffindor jumper across his desk chair. His desk was wooden, right next to his bed, and it sat halfway on a large circular rug.

        "Why didn't you tell me?" James asked after a minute of silence.

        "Slipped my mind," she replied nonchalantly.

        "Slipped your mind? You just forgot to tell your older brother you had a boyfriend? I'm supposed to know these things so I can keep an eye on this guy. I'm supposed to meet him and everything — "

        Ember interrupted him, "First of all, James, you're older by fifteen minutes. You don't need to keep an eye on him because all of my friends already have one eye on him at all times, and its my father that's supposed to meet him, not my brother."

        "I can have a protective brother moment," James argued.

        "You're always so extreme, James. I do not think you are actually capable of doing something not extreme — Sirius what's the word I'm looking for?" Ember teased her brother.

        "Calm? Simple?" Sirius offered.

        "Thank you — I do not think you are capable of doing something calmly, therefore, I may have forgotten to mention him so you wouldn't scare him off," Ember said, setting the cloth down. She used her finger to spread healing balm around the wound.

        James sat up. "I shouldn't be able to scare him off — he should be so dedicated to you that he will stay no matter what."

        "That's an unreasonable expectation," Ember said. She finished wrapping the bandage on Sirius's chest, allowing him to pull his shirt back down.

        "Actually, I agree with James on that one," Sirius said, pursing his lips.

        "Oh, what do you know about being dedicated to someone, you shagged half our year," Ember retorted, wiping her hands on a towel.

        "And you shagged the other half, now tell me, how is it being tied down and having to change your ways?" Sirius asked with a grin.

        "Merlin, I feel sorry for the poor girl you decide to date. It's clear that there is no hope with you."

        "Come on, don't you miss it?" Sirius taunted her.

        "I am now uncomfortable in my own room," James pointed out. "My best friend and my sister are talking about sex."

        Ember rolled her brown eyes. "Seriously, James? You know what, I sincerely apologize that my boyfriend is not a Gryffindor and does not have the reckless bravery you two seem to have. If you really must know, I have a boyfriend, his name is Rowan, he's in our year and he's a Slytherin. We've been dating for almost two months. If you really want, you can meet him when he comes for dinner in a few days. There, now you know."

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