sex with a gryffindor

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(  15  )      ⌇ CHAPTER FIFTEEN —— ❛ ♜ ❜ CHAOTIC

# ꒷. do i want to know? %

        "EMBER, GET YOUR ARSE UP ALREADY, we have classes," Nessa said annoyed, throwing Ember's bed curtains open. Nessa gasped audibly, and Ember blinked her eyes open.

        "Why the hell are you staring at me like that?" Ember grumbled. She followed Nessa's eyes next to her, and she internally groaned when she remembered inviting Sirius back to her dorm last night.

        Nessa sighed heavily, shut her eyes for a brief reset, then said, "Get up, Ember. And we'll talk about this in a few minutes."

        Ember did as she was told, realizing her dorm was empty after Nessa left. She quickly got up, took a seven minute shower, changed into her uniform and did the simplest and quickest makeup she could: mascara and brow gel. She slipped her chapstick into her pocket and her shoes onto her feet.

        Ember opened her dorm door, staring at Sirius in her bed. She knew he'd be tardy even if he got up now, and the Slytherins would be brutal and rumors would spread if they saw him.

        Ember quickly said, "Sirius," just to wake him, then quickly shut her door and ran down the stairs to catch up with Nessa.

        She found Nessa waiting by the common room door, and the two girls hooked arms and started towards DADA with the Gryffindors.

        "So . . . are you going to ask?" Ember looked towards Nessa, her voice low as they walked through the busy halls.

        "Do I want to know?" said Nessa.

        Ember sighed. "I don't even know."

        "Were you drunk or something?" Nessa asked.

        Ember shook her head. "That's the scary part, we were both completely sober."

        "I heard you and Regulus talked last night . . . how'd that go? And how'd you end up with Sirius?"

        "Shhh! Don't say it so loud," Ember chided. "I think it was okay, or at least getting better, we seriously talked about everything but then I said something, on accident, that upset him, and then Sirius walked into the kitchens — that's where we were — and then Regulus stormed off, and Sirius sat down and we just started talking, I guess . . . I don't know," she sighed, taking her seat next to Nessa.

        "Merlin, Ember, you like him!" Nessa whisper-exclaimed.

        "I do not!" Ember crossed her arms, pouting. Her eye caught Regulus walking in, so she whispered to Nessa, "not a word to Regulus. I mean it, Nessa."

        Nessa smirked and shrugged slightly.

        Regulus took his seat in front of the two girls, greeting them with a small smile.

        "Morning Reggie," Ember said softly, her heart hopeful.

        He hesitated, then said, "Good morning, Ember, Nessa."

        Ember smiled as Regulus sat down, and Nessa playfully rolled her eyes at Ember's excitement.

        "Welcome back to Defense Against the Dark Arts, everyone, I hope you're all ready to learn about werewolves."

        Lily raised her hand. "Yes, miss Evans?" Professor Keys asked.

        "Didn't we learn about werewolves last year?" she asked.

CHAOTIC  .  .  .  sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now