watch out for the snow!

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( 2 )  ⌇ CHAPTER TWO   ——   ❛ ♜ ❜   CHAOTIC

#   ꒷.    not my circus, not my monkey.   %   

DECEMBER GOT OFF TO A BAD START. Naturally, it began with the Gryffindors. The fifth day of December started alright — Ember climbed out of bed, changed into a pair of black loose trousers, a white halter top, and a dark green zip-up with a pair of white sneakers, greeted her friends, and made her way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

She got a bowl of low-calorie yogurt and granola, eating it slowly with a spoon while Claire and Nessa talked about their plans for Hogsmeade. They wanted to go shopping at Gladrags, hit up the stationery store, and get a bite to eat and a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks. There was a little bit of Christmas gift shopping in there, too.

"You're coming with us, right?" Claire asked, her big blue eyes looking across to Ember.

"Yeah, I think Regulus and Kaz made plans with Evan," Ember said, setting her spoon down on the side of her bowl.

"Rosier?" Nessa asked.

Ember nodded. "Yeah. Dorm mates, I think."

"So . . . Ember," Nessa said with a smirk. "What's on your mind? Anything you particularly want?"

"Hint, hint, think Christmas," Claire winked.

Ember shook her head. "I told you both, I don't need anything."

"What about wanting something? Come on, I have a few extra galleons to spend."

"I have had my eyes on a certain Slytherin quidditch fan sweatshirt that's in the window at Gladrags lately," Ember hinted, standing and glancing towards the Gryffindor table. "I'll be back, girls."

It had been a few days since James and Ember had last talked, and she needed to know if he was going home for Christmas or staying at Hogwarts so she could decide. She would do whatever he chose, as she didn't want to be home without him there.

She sat down next to Remus — the scar-faced one of the four boys. Ember would never admit aloud that she found out the boy was a werewolf early fourth year, it wasn't one of those things you told people, not even the secret owner himself. Her eyes looked between James and Peter as they talked about an upcoming prank — something about enchanted snowballs.

"Oi, you're in my seat, Potter," Sirius said, standing behind the girl with his arms crossed.

"Move your feet, lose your seat," Ember replied swiftly, not batting an eye at the boy.

"Didn't realize we were eleven, still," he joked, taking the seat next to her without another complaint.

When there was a moment of silence between the five, Ember took her chance to speak. "James, are you — "

Sirius spoke at the same time, "Prongs, are we — "

They both cut themselves off, then Ember laughed genuinely.

"Prongs?" she clarified. "What the fuck kind of nickname is that?" She looked between the four boys, who all fell suspiciously silent. "Let me guess, Marauders didn't catch on so you rebranded?" Silence and thick tension. "Tough crowd," she tutted. "Anyways," she said, dropping the subject as it didn't concern her, "James, are you going home or staying here for Christmas?"

CHAOTIC  .  .  .  sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now