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( 0 ) PROLOGUE  ——  ❛ ♜ ❜  CHAOTIC

# ꒷.     you're growing up so fast     %

"EMBER, DEAR, HAND ME YOUR TRUNK," Fleamont Potter told his only daughter as they loaded up the trolly outside the Kings Cross Station. She complied, then started pushing her trolly while her brother pushed his own.

She scanned the crowd, searching for any sign of her friends as they entered the station. They were headed to Platform 9 3/4 where they would aboard the Hogwarts Express. Seeing none of them, she followed her parents and twin brother towards and hesitantly went through the barrier.

It was her first time heading to Hogwarts, and she hoped to be a Gryffindor, like her parents were. It was easily the best house — brave and couragous.

Her parents gave both her and James, her twin brother, big, long hugs before her mother while a tear.

"It seems like you're still toddlers," Euphemia said with a smile. "You're growing up so fast. Have fun, letter us every day. I want to know everything!"

"I'm so glad they're not toddlers anymore," Fleamont said, shaking his head with a small smile. He looked at the two eleven year olds. "I love you both, have fun."

"Love you, too," James said, grinning and looking around the platform.

Fleamont gave Ember a look, then ruffled her dark hair. She took after her mother with her beauty, with long healthy hair and her glowing tanned skin.

"Dad!" she complained, smoothing it back down. "I love you," she said, then grinned.

"Go, before your mom makes a scene," he said with a teasing smile, ushering his two children to the red train.

"Bye!" the pair chimed before getting onto the train.

They walked down the isle, glancing in compartments as they walked. Ember turned to her brother. "Want to sit together or do you want to split up?" she asked.

"We can sit together, there's an empty compartment right here," he said, opening up a door. The siblings sat down on opposite sides, and they immediately started talking about what they hoped Hogwarts School would be.

"I bet I'll be quidditch captain by my sixth year," James gloated.

Ember rolled her eyes. "If you even make the team."

"I'll be an immediate yes in a few weeks," he said with a smug look, crossing his arms.

"You can't even play as a first year, loser," she teased him.

The compartment door slid open. "Sorry — can I sit in here? Everywhere else is full."

"Sure," James said, scooting over a little.

"Sirius Black," he introduced, shaking their hands. He had ear length curly, dark hair and chocolate brown eyes that matched his tan skin.

"James Potter."

"Ember Potter," she said with a smile.

After a while, the two boys had acquainted themselves well and considered themselves friends. Ember, however, rather read her book with only one ear listening to them. A third boy had soon joined them. He had sandy blonde hair and intricate scars on his face.

"Remus Lupin," the boy introduced himself.

Ember felt awkward as James made his first Hogwarts friends while she just sat there. "I'll be back, James," she said, abruptly standing. She set her book down on the bench and left the compartment to wander, eventually finding her future best friends.

#    .    .    .    

        "Potter, Ember," Professor McGonagall said from the front of the Great Hall. The ceiling was bewitched to look like the sky above — a dark midnight blue with stars and nameable constellations scattered across, the crescent moon glowing brightly.

Professor McGonagall was the transfiguration teacher, head of Gryffindor house, and deputy headmistress. She was at a nice age around 40, with still young skin and few wrinkles creasing around her catlike green eyes.

Ember walked up to the stool. She had met a few kids on the train — Kasper Ibaiguren, Claire Selwyn and Nessa Lestrange. Kasper, or Kaz, as they had nicknamed him, and Nessa had been sorted into Slytherin, while Claire hadn't been sorted yet but her last name was from a long line of pureblooded Slytherins, meaning that she was already guaranteed.

James's friends, Sirius and Remus, had already been sorted in Gryffindor — a surprise for the Black child, who was expected to be Slytherin but suddenly changed the family tradition — while James was to be sorted moments after Ember.

She took her seat on the stool as Professor McGonagall placed the hat on her head. It jumped to life, speaking quietly.

"Hmm, a Potter. Interesting, I remember your parents," it muttered. "Both Gryffindors . . . you are brave, but you're more resourceful than reckless. You'll make decisions that help you become yourself in the years to come. Not Hufflepuff . . . no, nor Ravenclaw. Parts will be a struggle, but your ambition is stronger than the fight. I think it'll be . . . SLYTHERIN!" the hat roared, and the table clad in green started cheering.

She jumped down from the stool, her heart racing, and stomach twisting. Her eyes found her brother's, and his jaw had hit the floor. He seemed stuck in place, just watching as she slowly made her way to the Slytherin table. Kasper and Nessa waved her over, and she obeyed, sitting across from what would be her friends for the next years of her life.

Her brother quickly made Gryffindor, which only worsened the gnawing feeling in Ember's stomach, because she knew their relationship would never be the same.

quick a/n

this first chapter 'tomorrow, reggie' , starts off the year with a short chapter, then it's the second chapter, 'watch out for the snow' it jumps to december !! please note that so you're not confused. it's like the introduction to the year. chapters average 7-9 pages ( prologue is 3 )

CHAOTIC  .  .  .  sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now