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"No." Lu Qing was the first to object.

"Why not?" Mo Yan didn't understand, so he explained, "There are countless treasures in the treasury of the palace. I just took one secretly. They won't be able to find it in a short time. What if they find it? By then, we will have given the things away~"

Mo Yan thought it was simple, but the reality is not that simple.

Lu Qing explained to him carefully, "There are people who count the items in the palace every day. Those items are recorded clearly. If any one item is missing, it will alert the government. If they really conduct a thorough investigation, it may harm many people."

"Is that so..." Mo Yan was at a loss. This was the only trick he could think of.

In fact, this was just Lu Qing's excuse for opposition.

He was afraid that Mo Yan would enter the palace and meet the Seventh Princess. What would he do if the plot developed rapidly and went back to the original plot?

His host is still developing, and with the Seventh Princess' current means, she has no power to resist at all, which is like hitting a rock with an egg.

"Forget it, you don't have to worry about this matter. I will find the things and take them to the Jia Mansion." Lu Qing said.

Nie Jiulang looked worried, but he had no solution. Seeing Lu Qing trying to save the young waiter, he became very angry and was tormented by an indescribable feeling.

The next morning, Lu Qing packed his belongings in a box and came to the gate of the Jia Mansion.

After the servant informed him, Lu Qing entered the house smoothly.

Today, Master Jia is not at home. Yun Ya, who likes to wear purple clothes, is sitting in the room reading a book. What he is reading is not a serious book, but a pile of erotic pictures.

"Hey, Lu Qing, you're here so early." Yun Ya reached out and patted the bench beside him, inviting him in, "Come and sit down, let me see what treasures you brought."

"Please take a look." Lu Qing handed the things to the servant and stood two steps away from the table without walking over to sit down.

Seeing him so unfamiliar and without the familiar feeling she had in Qiaochu Building before, she didn't care and casually opened the box, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

Obviously, he is very interested, but the next second he pretends not to like it, and he is picky and deliberately finds fault.

"Just this pile of broken stuff?" Yun Ya closed the box with disdain and handed it to the servant, "Put it in the drawer."

"Lu Qing, this set of golden phoenix hairpins is indeed beautiful, but so what? They are too ordinary and cannot compare to the white jade bottle that Master Jia gave me. You think you are too disrespectful to me by using these things to get rid of me."

Lu Qing knew that he would be troubled, but he didn't care. Anyway, he came here to ask for the reason.

"Why are you targeting Hua Xie?"

"I'm targeting him." Yun Ya covered his mouth and laughed, "It's ridiculous. Why should I target him? I got to where I am today by myself. Who can make me more pleasing to the master~"

Lu Qing frowned, he remembered that Mr. Jia's final fate was not good either.

After the Seventh Princess seized power, Master Jia was implicated and framed, and his entire clan was implicated. None of the ordinary maids or pets could escape the fate of being beheaded.

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