63 - Scream - OVA

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OVA - Maddox Dannon

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OVA - Maddox Dannon


"Let go of me!" I hissed as the two men kept me by under my elbows, dragging me further into the hospital. "I said to let go!"

They just brought me into a room and shoved me down, making me cry out when I collapsed onto the floor of my least-favorite interrogation room.

It was cold in here... the walls and floor covered in a bright white that made my brain shrink in on itself. The fresh scent of hand sanitizer burned through my nose, and I had to cover it to prevent the nausea from swelling up again.

I gazed up hazily when the men closed the door behind them, and I looked to the right where a female doctor stood, scanning through the paperwork on her clipboard.

"Maddox Dannon, is it?" she said then, pushing up her glasses. "Wanted for armed burglary, assault in the first degree, manslaughter, and murder one."

I just glared sharply.

"Diagnosed with paranoia schizophrenia," she continued, scanning the paperwork, "claiming that he was a retired assassin of the NOVIA cooperation, suffers from delusions and hallucinations, has held possession of multiple guns in his household without a governmental license. Many of which were used to murder governmental officers and members of the court of law." She gazed up then, smiling. "You're a wild case, aren't you?"

I just kept glaring. "I don't have any disorders, and I did work for NOVIA cooperation. They're framing me."

"Mister Dannon," she said then, settling on a chair beside the wall. "We have video surveillance of you shooting a federal officer in Cadena Bank on First Street. We know that you have committed multiple acts of crime, more so than the ones I've mentioned." She pushed up her glasses then, the light reflecting off the lenses. "Let alone the fact that NOVIA is a computer company. Not an assassination company."

"I was assigned to murder him," I explained, breathing heavily. "By the NOVIA cooperation. They're working a scandal with trafficking and money laundering. That officer was on their list to kill so he wouldn't go after them. He figured it out. If you just saw the evidence."

"There is no evidence, Mister Dannon," she said then, making my lips thin. "NOVIA is clean on all our records and has been for quite some time, I promise you. This view you have of why you committed these crimes is part of your disorder, I'm afraid. It's a delusion."

"I do NOT have a disorder!" I yelled then, sitting up straighter. "This is all part of their plan! Don't you see?! They're plotting everything for power and money! You should be going after THEM rather than ME!"

She sighed and closed her eyes. "His condition has worsened, it seems." She scratched something down on her clipboard. "Delusions refuse to dissipate," she said as she wrote, "anger and frustration, psychotic breaks, irritability and irate behaviors." She gazed up at me then, smiling. "Maybe a little therapy might help."

My entire body chilled, and I breathed shakily. "No."

She waved the men over, and they caught me by the back of my arms, making me scream frantically. "No! NO! Please, no!"

"Give him extensive therapy," she said to them as they dragged me to the door, screaming and kicking. "Keep it up until he wears out."

They kicked open the door, dragging me down the hall as I continued crying for help, fighting them but the drugs they gave me at night weakened my muscles.

Until... finally... we entered an even brighter room, and I kept screaming when they slammed the door behind me and threw me up onto a hospital bed.

I tried to run, but they had me pinned down in seconds, belting my wrists and ankles to the table so I couldn't escape.

The second man walked over to the large machine behind me, clicking on buttons as the first belted my neck in place, and lastly my stomach.

I fought against the bindings as the machine whirred, and the first man just pulled a syringe from a nearby table and stuck the needle into a bottle of medicine, pulling the liquid into the plastic.

"Please, don't do this!" I said frantically, still fighting the bindings. "Please, I'm telling the truth, I swear!"

He just stuck the needle into my arm, and I cried out as the sharpness burned through me.

He pressed the liquid into my arm, the medicine burning into my muscle like fire, and I kept my eyes sealed shut as it spread through me and numbed my body.

My figure weakened from under them, brain growing cloudy and disoriented, and I stared up hazily as he tossed the syringe away. "I'm... telling the... truth... I swear...."

"It's on the highest voltage," the second man said, making my bones chill. "It's ready."

I breathed shakily as they rolled it toward me. "Please... don't...."

But they pressed the machine to my head, and I arched my back, screaming.

To be continued in next chapter...

To be continued in next chapter

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