Chapter Thirty-four

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Chapter Thirty-four

I didn't know what to expect while Xander pulled me into the throne room. Didn't allow myself a moment to stress, just gripped the dagger tightly in my hands and allowed him to lead the way.

"Well look at that." A cold voice fills the room. Xander pushed me behind him so I couldn't see but I knew who was here. I was stupid to think I was never going to see them again. Stupid to think that I was safe now just because I was with Xander again.

"Let him go." Xander orders. Muffled screams get my attention,  I decide to peak around his arm and nearly fall to my knees.

Not again.

At back of the room Sam and Lucky were tied up, back to back. Both with a strip of tape over their mouths. Tears were running down Sam's face as she watched us with round eyes.

She's here because of me. Because of my damn necklace.

In front of the thrones was the king on his knees, with a dagger to his throat. His eyes wide and terrified as he watched his son taking in the scene.

Felix smiles at me from his spot behind the king, "Hello princess." The king throws an elbow back but doesn't make contact. Felix just laughs, shaking his head with a click of his tongue. "I'm surprised the king was so vulnerable."

My entire body freezes. Cyrus catches my eye from the left side of the room, his gaze fixed on Xander. Every part of me wanted to step between them, throw a shield around us so they can't touch us. But no matter how hard I focused- how hard I tried to see the mist, there was nothing.

The only thing I had to protect us was this dagger in my hand and the pulsing magic flowing through my veins from my necklace.

The skin under my necklace is already burning up. I look back towards Sam and Lucky- they were far enough away from Felix for me to attempt to get to them. I would just have to worry about Cyrus.

"I don't have my magic." I tell Xander, stepping to the side of him. Cyrus watched my every move, his eyes glued to the chain around my neck.

"I won't let them touch you." He promises me as a wave of warmth rushes through my veins.

"Took you long enough." Felix laughs, "We've been waiting for you in here. It was just too easy. I mean, there's no guards." His smile turns sinister as if he knew what had happened to the guards. "Sad that your poor king will suffer for your actions."

The smell of burnt flesh hits my nose and I bite my tongue to hide the wince. The last time my necklace burnt me horribly was when I killed Leon, and I have a feeling the burn that I have now will be worse.  I glance down at the dagger still in my hand. I only have one, but I can aim. I'll make it count-

"Wait." Xander's voice fills my head. I didn't dare a glance at him, keeping my gaze between Cyrus and Felix.

"Uh-uh." Felix clicks his tongue, digging the dagger into the kings throat. A trail of blood starts trickling down and I swear Xander stops breathing. "I suggest you think again before trying to take away my senses. Just because I can't see doesn't mean that this dagger wont kill him."

Xander tenses but movement from Cyrus catches my attention. Shuffling sideways, he crept along the wall as if we couldn't see him getting closer. His eyes glued to my necklace. Xander's arm pushes me behind him again, "He has nothing to do with this."

Cyrus tracks my movement like a wolf on a hunt. I grip the dagger tighter and judge the distance between us. If he stay's right there I'll hit my mark in his chest-

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