Clandestine - Kept secret or done secretly, especially because illicit
For anyone who is seen as weak,
this is for you.Only you can define who you are.
Chapter One
It doesn't feel real. I had to be dreaming. Today is the day I've been waiting for my whole life.
Last June, I finally was old enough to join our army as a dragon rider. I will get the chance to bond with a dragon. Once you're bonded with the dragon they gift you magic. It's something I've never stopped thinking about since I was old enough to understand what magic was. Three.
Now I'm twenty-one. Bag packed and ready to go.
I run my brush through my hair again. Should I tie it up? Braid it? No, I'll leave it down. I've always loved my hair. My dark waves reached the bottom of my back now. I take a breath and look at myself in the mirror one last time.
The next time I come home, I'll be a dragon rider. I wore my favorite leggings, to have the best movement for whatever happens today. We aren't told what to expect, or told much about the dragon riders at all. It's known that this is probably the most dangerous job you can sign up for. Dragons have been known to incinerate humans for no reason.
I pull my grey hoodie over my head, pulling my hair out the back. My hands shake, after a few deep breaths I turn away from the mirror.
I got this.
"Don't go." Mother begs as I make my way towards the front door. I risk looking over at her and instantly regret it. My mother has been trying to get me to change my mind since the day I signed up. I can't blame her though, if it was my daughter trying to become a dragon rider I too would try to talk her out of it. I understand the risks.
I'm not the typical person that signs up for this type of thing. I noticed when I had to lie about my height on the sign up sheets. Women shouldn't have to be tall enough to fight in a war. Just because I'm small doesn't mean I can't do everything that everyone else can do.
My mom only watches me, eyes filled with tears that now were running freely down her cheeks. My breath gets stuck in my throat. "I'll be able to see you in a year." My voice breaks but I force a smile at her, "I can write to you when I rank up." The thought of ranking up causes anxiety to rush through me. I'll be with my dragon by the time that I rank up.
"What if you don't?" She snaps, pointing her finger at me. "You can die! I will not lose you too!"
I flinch... Dad. We both had came to a silent agreement to not bring up my father. His death destroyed her, and I lost my dad...
"Mom, that isn't going to happen to me." I try to assure her. Stepping forward, I wrap my arms around her, hugging her to me. "I'm not going to die." I wasn't sure if I was saying it for her benefit or mine.
There's a small part of me that's telling me this is a bad idea. A little nagging voice in the back of my mind telling me, this is a mistake. I've been brushing it off as nerves, Mom hasn't stopped listing all the dangers of joining either. I swear she stays up all night just to have a new list of reasons why I shouldn't do this everyday.
Fear fills her eyes and I can almost see the gears in her head kicking into overdrive as she struggles to find the words to make me stay. "Dragons are unpredictable-"
Fantasy"You." "Me?" I answer nervously. I held my breath as I looked into the dragons golden eyes. "I choose you." I've been waiting for this day since I can remember. Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of one day having my own dragon. After my fath...