Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I slam my fist into the dummy, causing it to shake and rattle on its post. It's been two weeks since I was told how my father was murdered. Two weeks I've been putting all my anger into training. I had to take it out somewhere or I was going to explode.

"You good?" Lucky asks from his spot next to me. He stood in front of his dummy rubbing his knuckles as he faced me.  "Seems like you're a bit angry." He eyes my bruised knuckles. A bit angry was a big understatement. I was more than angry.

"Maybe a little." I say, punching the dummy again. I couldn't feel any pain as the power flowing through me overpowers everything. My body should've gave out on me days ago, its crazy how anger can override pain.

Over the last two weeks, Xander has paired me with Sam, Cyrus, or Lucky on the mats. Never allowing me my chance to take out Leon. I was able to beat all three of them pretty quick every time. Boosting my ego just a little. My confidence has boosted so much. Not only do I feel secure having a dragon ready to murder for me but I also have the powers from my father helping me.

"Wanna talk?" Lucky asks, his expression going soft. I shake my head, throwing more punches. I can't speak to him about anything, even if I wanted to. Not without risking him telling anyone. I want to believe that Lucky wouldn't, that we developed a friendship that was solid. But the risk was too much for me.

If I allow myself to stop, I'll break. I punch the dummy again, feeling nothing in return. The dummy shook, rattling metal fills the room.

My necklace burns me and I punch the dummy harder, allowing the power to flow through me. The dummy falls back, skidding across the floor a couple feet away.

I blink a few times, before stepping towards it. Well that's never happened.

"Woah..." Lucky whispers, taking in the scene before him. Yes, little me just did that.

"I think we can call it a day." Xander speaks up from his spot next to the mats. I haven't had an actual conversation with him since that day. He kept his word though, no matter where I went for the past two weeks he is always there. He doesn't care to hide in the shadows or anything. He makes himself known, standing within a few feet of me at all times.

The first few days were hard for me, the amount of times I lost it and went at him without thinking. He is fast though, I'll give him that. He always avoids any punches I throw, which has resorting in me just shoving him all the time. I was fine with that though. Sending him on his ass seemed to be the highlight of my days lately.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks me as she rushed to my side. Her eyes wide, scanning the scene around me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Can't say the same about the dummy...

"I think it'll be best if you take your necklace off." Constance says.

"Was it your necklace?" Sam whispers to me. I only give her a nod, shooting her a look. We can't speak about it here. She understands right away and never says anything else.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow morning on the flight field." Xander says but no one leaves. Everyone's eyes were on me. Cyrus and Leon had been fighting on the mat when it happened, they both were standing apart now, watching.

"Might be a little late." I tell Constance. Panic settling under my skin. How am I suppose to explain this? "Everyone is watching me."

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