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Thank you so much for reading my story!!

@shiningjustforyou13 had made this before, so i want to give her full credits. I changed up a few things and just made it my own little story.

English isn't my first language, so i don't know how the American school system works. I'll try my best tho.

Also my grammer might be a little off sometimes..

Anyways, enjoy!!

"Taylor come on, i didn't mean it like that." Joe screamed in my face. He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him.

'Get off me! No Joe we're done, you don't fuck some girl in our bed. Cheating is unacceptable, i fucking hate you.' I screamed in his face. I felt a sharp pain on my face and tears welled up in my eyes.

I stormed out, did he really just hit me again. After all that?


'Sorry son, we've gotta drop you. It's not safe with this injury.' Coach said, i couldn't believe it.

'Oh.' I felt defeated, my dream, all crushed in front of me. I couldn't play for the Chiefs anymore, i couldn't play at all.

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