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I'd moved to Boston for a fresh start. Right after Joe and i had broken up i didn't know what to do with myself. So my best friend Abigail had suggested to live near her, a apartment a few blocks away from hers had just been up for sale. I used to teach English and it was a coincidence that a position at San Ramon high school had opened up. I'd taken the job and tried to leave my past behind me. My mom did still live in Nashville but it was an hour drive, so it was okay. She'd had cancer over a decade ago, but i had been the one to take care of her. My dad and younger brother hadn't been in the picture since the divorce twenty years ago. Austin had only been a baby so dad took him with him, leaving me and mom.

I was really excited, nervous but also relieved to finally start over. The neighborhood seemed fine and the school also seemed fine. I loved the fact that i lived so close to my best friend.

I had my first day at school on Monday, it was after summer break so the students still had today off. When i got to school i was lead around by a man about my age.

'This is you're classroom.' The man with the round glasses pointed at me. I looked in the room, it was plain but i could make it work.

'Thank you.' I smiled as he handed me the keys.

'Tom Smith.' He stuck his hand out to me.

'Taylor Swift, what subject to you teach?' I asked.

'English, just like you. That's my classroom.' He pointed to the classroom right in front off mine. 'Do you want to come with me to the meeting? You're not obligated to anything yet, involving extra stuff. You know lunch duty, that sort of stuff.' He smiled.

'Yes i'll come, let me put my bag in the room and i'll catch up with you.' I waved him off and went inside of the classroom. The room that will be mine, it needed a little decoration but i'll get the job done. Besides maybe the students could help me a little. I only had four classes this year, so everyday i had a free period. I had three year twelve classes and one year eleven. I loved the fact that i had the seniors, i was supposed to have them all but Tom really wanted some too. I placed down my bag and went to look for the staff room.

'Lost dear?' The lady behind the reception desk asked me. She was older and had light grey curls, her smile was bright and her green eyes hid behind her thick glasses.

'I'm looking for the staff room? I'm supposed to go to a meeting of some sort. I'm Taylor Swift, new English teacher.' I smiled to her.

'Well hello Miss. Swift, i'm Beth. The staff room is just down the hall to you're left.' She said and i smiled thank full towards her.

I walked into the staff room, offering some smiles as i went to stand a little in the back. A very small woman went to stand in front of us. She explained a couple of things, and told us the 'special' stuff. Prom, vacations, holiday stuff that sort off stuff. I paid attention as i was handed a folder, it held all the information that was just explained to us. I skimmed trough it a little, as my eye caught on a tall man standing outside on the field. He was walking around a little, setting up some stuff. When we were done i walked out and started to decorate my classroom a little with the stuff i brought from home. While i was decorating my eye caught again on the man on the field. After a couple of minutes he caught me staring, i flushed red. He chuckled and waved at me, i waved back a little.

Once i was done with everything i grabbed my stuff, it was already 4:30pm and i wanted to get some things sorted at home for tomorrow. I walked out to my car and couldn't help myself to look back at the man on the field. He came walking over to me, i didn't know what to do so i just pretend to be on my phone.

'You were staring a little Miss.' He says as i glance at him, he had an amazing smile. He was way taller then me, had light green eyes that twinkled a little. His light beard spread evenly around his face, the same shade as his short, almost buzzed hair.

'I'm sorry?' I didn't know what to say, to amazed by his appearance.

'No need to apologize, you're new right?' I nodded. 'I'm Travis Kelce, the football coach.' He said as he stuck out his hand.

'Taylor Swift, English teacher.' I shakes his hand, i told him goodbye and duck into my car. Wow, he was hot. But i came here to work on myself, not to fall for the first guy that i saw. I felt an ache between my legs. 'What the fuck.' I spoke quietly to myself, i ignored it and drove off.

When i got home i changed into something more comfortable, and cooked some dinner. I went to eat with my laptop, filling in some last things for tomorrow. I couldn't help myself as i typed in 'Travis Kelce'. A bunch of articles came up, now i knew where i recognized him from.

'Kelce is out of the game, his leg injury has benched him for ever.'

Poor guy, he had one hell of an career. I scrolled a little trough the articles, noticing one mentioning his brother Jason Kelce. My mom and i were huge Eagles fans so i immediately recognized him.

Deciding that was enough stalking i clicked on Netflix and started a random episode of Gilmore girls. I finished up my dinner and put the dishes away, i locked everything up and went to lay in bed. After scrolling a little aimlessly on Tiktok, i went to set four alarms. I had to be at school around 8am and it was a 15 minute drive. I set an alarm for 6:30am, and then three after that. I fell asleep pretty easily.

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