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Travis and i woke up from my alarm the next morning.

'I don't want to get up.' I mumbled as Travis pressed a light kiss to my shoulder.

'We have to gorgeous.' I told me and i sighed, getting out of bed to take a shower. Travis got dressed into his clothes from the day before. When i got out of the bathroom Travis looked at me, like he truly loved me. I was wrapped in a towel and my hair was straightened over my back.

'I'm not dropping the towel.' I chuckled and he just laughed. We ate breakfast and headed to school, both in our own cars. When we arrived we said goodbye with a quick kiss and i went inside.

I said good morning to Beth and opened up my classroom. I sat down my stuff and scrolled a little on instagram, when i noticed a photo of me and my first period class on the instagram of the school. It was very cute so i screenshotted it. Students slowly started to sit down and pull out there laptops, working on there rapports. This day was a half day because of the construction workers so after second period i was off to go. I texted Travis to meet me in the parking lot. While i was waiting on him i noticed a man coming in my direction. He looked familiar, he was, he is.

'Joe.' I gasped as he walked towards me. 'What are you-.' I was shocked.

'Taylor i'm so sorry i cheated on you, i didn't mean it. I was drunk and she tempted me into it. I wan to try us again, i love you.' He said as he placed a hand on my hip. I moved backwards.

'Joe you waited until i was out of town to cheat on me. You're not sorry you cheated, you're sorry you got caught. And don't you dare tell me you love me, it's not you're place.' I kind of yelled at him. 'How did you even know i was here.' I said.

'Instagram, that post that the school tagged you in.' He said.

'That's called stalking you creep.' I shot at him. I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my cheek, i had deja vu. 'Fuck.' I shouted, it hurt like hell.

'Don't you ever call me a creep you fucking slut. You know what never mind i don't love you i hate you.' He hit me again, this time with his fist. I suddenly felt someone standing in between us, Travis.

'What the fuck is you're problem.' Travis punched Joe. 'Don't you ever come near my girlfriend ever again, so you understand.' He said an Joe nodded walking away. 'Are you okay gorgeous?' He asked me and he stroked my cheek.

'Did you just call me you're girlfriend?' I was focused on the wrong thing but that didn't matter.

'I mean if you want to b-.' Travis spoke.

'Of course i do, i love you.' I kissed him and he kissed me back. I felt so safe in his presence. Travis looked at my bruise but we decided makeup would cover it up. We went back home to my place and i explained the Joe thing to him.

'Tay i just want you to know you're worth way more then that.' Travis told me and i looked up at him.

'Could we cuddle up?' I told him and he nodded, we changed into something comfy and watched some Gilmore girls. The night was cozy, comfortable and comforting, just what i needed. We drifted off sleep around 10pm.

I woke up from my alarm, reaching to turn it off. We got up to take a shower, i went in first. Travis luckily had a couple of spare shirts and pants here. Because three days in a row in the same outfit, was a little gross. I often stole his shirts but he didn't care. Travis took a shower as i got changed, i did my hair and looked in the mirror. The bruise had gone purple and it was quite large. I put on some foundation to hide the color, but if you looked close you could see it was a bruise. But no one was gonna notice. We ate breakfast and drove to school. Saying goodbye to him as i greeted Beth once i was inside.

I opened up the door and went to set up, i'd fallen into a nice routine and i loved it. People started coming in and sat down. When Audrey came in her smile dropped immediately when she saw me.

'What's going on?' I said as she walked over to me with a concerned look on her face.

'Miss Swift i know what a covered up bruise looks like. Especially if you got it in the last week or so, did Coach?' She asked quietly.

'No, god no. It was my ex, the one i told you about? He came to see me yesterday and well, but he's gone now.' She nodded and grabbed something out of her bag.

'Here use this. it's color corrector, and some powder so it won't sweat off.' She handed me the product and i applied them gratefully.

'Oh honey i hope you didn't have to use this too much.' I was so concerned about her.

'Hmm, once you get the hang of it, it's do able.' She went to sit back down and stuffed the products back into her bag.

The day was okay, i was kind of bummed that Travis had to go home today. But that gave me finally the time to take a bath. I don't know why but i really wanted to take one. Travis and i haven't discussed our sexual relationship yet. We've only ever kissed so i didn't want to take a bath when he was there. He hasn't even seen me naked. When i got home i started on dinner and ate while watching some tv. I went to start up my bath, when i received a text from Travis.

'Hey gorgeous, my parents invited us to go to dinner to their house. My brother and his wife will be there too, without the kids sadly. Do you want to go?'

My heart was racing, he wanted me to meet his family. I was so happy we were taking that step into our relationship.

'I would love to Trav.'

'Great i'll let them know, it's this Friday. It's about an hour drive so we'll have to leave right after school. It's very casual so don't worry about an outfit. I love you.'

'You know me too well, i love you too.'

I sat my phone down and went inside of the bath tub, i was so excited to finally meet his family.

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