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It was Monday again, Travis texted me all weekend and i couldn't get enough of him. He was coming over tonight just to catch up even more. I was really excited and got up very easily. While i was getting ready i got a bad cramp. Fuck. My period was about to turn up, i went to sit on the toilet and looked down. Blood, gross. I changed and stuffed some tampons into my bag and went to school. I hated getting my period, especially now that Travis was coming over tonight. I really suffered from bad cramps, but i didn't want to cancel.

When i got to school there was a hot cup of coffee on my desk. I smiled and read the note that Travis had left for me. Everyone started coming in and they just started chatting.

'I hope you all had a great weekend! I marked the rapports you guys gave me. There's only one person who got an F, the rest of you all an A.' Everyone cheered as i walked over to Max. 'Next time maybe read the book.' I told him as he went red. 'Just wake up a little and read the notes i left on your rapports.' I told everyone and they started chatting.

'So Miss Swift did Coach like, you know what?' Audrey giggled and i shot her a look.

'What were you doing there?' I told her.

'I work there, i have four jobs, because my dad doesn't have any money for me i have to work. But that does make funny stories like these. Once i had to tell Mr Miller where he could find the condoms, i work at Walmart too.' She said it like it was nothing.

I just laughed a little as we continued chatting. Then i noticed trough the window in my classroom, Travis standing in the hallway waiting for me. I got up telling everyone i was printing something.

'What are you doing here?' I told him.

'I wanted to check for tonight, i figured i just drove to you're place right after school?' He said and i nodded. 'I thought we could order some pizza and-.' I grabbed my stomach as Travis looked down at me. 'Gorgeous are you okay?' He said and i nodded.

'Yea just some cramps.' I said and he looked at me. 'What, i'm sorry i know periods are gross.' I said trying to apologize.

'No of course not. Who told you that?' He asked.

'My ex boyfriend.' Travis took my face in his hands.

'It's not gross gorgeous. Let's just cuddle up tonight, i'll bring you some ice cream and pizza and we can watch Gilmore girls.' He told me and i moved forwards, forgetting that we were inside of a school. My lips met his and they melted together, letting my lips fall open Travis dipped his tongue inside. I moaned a little and then we pulled apart.

'That was a little inappropriate.' I laughed and i placed a quick kiss on his lips before he walked off. I went back inside of the classroom.

'So how's Coach?' Anna said, tapping lightly against Audrey. They both giggled.

'Oh you two will never stop.' They nodded and went back to their conversation.

The day was great, everyone did an amazing job on their rapports and my year eleven class all passed the test from last week. When the last minute of the last period finally ended i went to look for Travis. When i found him i tapped him on his shoulder.

'Hello gorgeous, you're ready?' I nodded and we walked to the parking lot. 'So i'll meet you there i just have to go to the store okay?' I nodded placing a quick kiss on his lips before stepping into my car and driving off.

When i got home i changed into some cotton shorts and a big t-shirt. I grabbed a jug and filled it up with hot water. Sitting down on the couch, scrolling a little trough Instagram. After twenty minutes i heard a knock on the door and i got up. Travis was standing there with a bag full of stuff. I swung my arms around him and hugged him like a koala.

'I bought you a couple thing gorgeous.' He placed the bag on the counter. He grabbed the pizza and Ben & Jerry's and placed it in the fridge. 'I got you some chocolate and pretzels, i know my brothers wife always craves salty. I also got some pads and tampons because i didn't know how much you had left and this.' He placed a little teddy bear in front of me. Tears welled up in my eyes as i just looked at him, amazed by him. 'Are you okay gorgeous?' I nodded.

'More than okay.' I placed a kiss on his lips as i went to sit on the counter. We talked as Travis made the pizza, we ate and i cuddled up almost on top of him when we ate the ice cream. 'It's the sister in law.' I told Travis, we were watching a murder mystery movie.

'No way, it's the steph brother.' He said.

'Winner gets what?' I told him.

'You're so eager gorgeous, let's just do it for the honors.' He said and i sighed. Turns out it was the steph mom, so we were both wrong. I yawned after a little while. 'Are you tired gorgeous, you want me to go so you can sleep?' He said and i nodded in disagreement.

'You're so sweet.' I told him and tears filled my eyes again.

'Well you deserve it, did anyone ever made you feel like you don't?' He asked and i looked down. 'You don't have to tell me.' I nodded.

'No i want to, my brother and father left me and mom a very long time ago. So i never felt love from them. When i was sixteen my mom got cancer and i had to take care of her. I had five jobs and paid of her medical bills. And with my ex, Joe i never felt loved. He was abusive and he'd hit me and call me things. I ended it with him because i found out he was cheating on me. That's why i want to take things slow, because i don't want to get attached to soon.' I let out a sigh.

'I won't ever cheat on you, i- i love you.' I gasped and Travis looked at me. He meant it, he loved me.

'I love you too.' I shrugged forwards and kissed him, nothing sexually. Just a loving, meaningful kiss. I really loved this man. 'Let's go to bed.' I got up and Travis looked at me a little confused. 'You didn't think you could say i love you and not spend the night.' I chuckled at him as he got up.

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