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I had been working at San Ramon for a little over a month now. Travis and i still hadn't gone out on that date, but we did text almost every night. Audrey had become kind of a friend but i wouldn't tell her that.

I got to work a little earlier then usual, but it was okay. I settled in and heard a cry coming from the hallway, i looked up. Audrey stormed in and sat down, obviously crying.

'Hey honey, are you okay?' I asked as she looked up.

'Jacob broke up with me.' She sobbed.

'Oh honey come here.' I got up and hugged her, she cried in my sweater and i just comforted her.

'I guess i deserved it, i mean i did cheat on him.' I looked up at her. 'A couple weeks ago i was at a part and got a little drunk. Max kind of took advantage of me and said if i didn't have sex with him he'd hit me. I denied and the he.' She tugged her her back and showed me a pretty bad bruise.

'Oh-.' I gasped, i felt so sorry for this little girl. 'Can i tell you a secret Audrey?' She nodded. 'My ex boyfriend hit me too, he'd throw me around and call me things. He was an ass so that's why i dumped him, he also cheated on me. But look at me now, i promise you honey it gets better.' I afforded her a smile and she just hugged me.

'Thank you Miss. Swift. You really are like a mom to me.' She said and i looked at her. 'I just mean, oh fuck it were gonna do this. I don't really have the best home situation. My mom is dead and my dad i a alcoholic. I spent most nights at Jacob's or at Anna's.

'Ahw honey, it's all gonna be okay. You know you can always talk to me.' She smiled and i hugged her again. Tears welled up in her eyes again. 'I'll inform Max's parents about this.' She just nodded and wiped away her tears. 'Honey i'll call you sick okay, you just go home.' I told her and she hugged me once more before she got up. I texted Travis and informed him that i needed to speak with Max. Max was on the football team, so he was earlier at school every morning. He said Max was heading over now.

Max walked in and i was pissed. 'Sit down.' I told him and he did. 'So why did you hit someone when they said that they didn't want to have sex with you?' I asked him and he looked up, he was caught and he knew it.

'I- uh-, did that little slut of an Audrey say this. Don't believe her she's just trying to make excuses because she won't admit the fact that she cheated.' He said and i was really mad.

'She showed me the bruise you idiot.' I told him and he went red. 'So here is what we're gonna do, you stay far away from her or any other girl. And if i hear anything about this ever again, i'll involve the police.' He got up scared and i sat back down. That was something to start you're day with.

The rest of the day was okay, i didn't see Travis what upset me a little. But when i got home he texted me.

'So what about that date?'

My heart skipped, he remembered.

'What about it?'

'Friday night? I'll pick you up around seven, don't dress to nice it's kind of a cafe more then a restaurant but i think you'll love it.'

'Sounds great.'

O my god, i'm going on a date. He's gonna pick me up and everything. I obviously called Abigail up and we talked and talked. Just like we did a decade ago.

The week moved slowly as i got more excited for our date. On Thursday afternoon i decided to do a little shopping so i went to the mall. I stopped in front of Victoria Secret, thinking and then going in. I looked around a little before finding the 'sexier' stuff and i just grabbed a little set. It was completely sheer and did nothing to cover up anything. I turned around and bumped into someone and the set i was holding dropped on to the ground.

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