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When i woke up the next morning i still couldn't stop thinking about the dream. I took a shower and got ready trying to turn my mind off. Once i'd pulled up to school i opened up the classroom and sat down. Students rolled in and went to sit down.

'Uhm Miss?' I heard Audrey's voice and i realized i'd been day dreaming.

'Yea sorry, where were we.' I said and everyone chuckled.

'We haven't started yet.' Max said and everyone laughed.

'Well i think we need a little relaxing lessons, so just talk a little and make sure you have you're home work done next lesson.' I got up to write it on the board, everyone was very happy and all turned around.

'Okay fine i'll ask.' Audrey said and she turned away from her boyfriend. Jacob and Audrey were the 'it' couple, everyone liked them and they were just very cute. She'd told me a little about them and i thought it was adorable. Although except for the fact that i'd seen them kissing in the bathroom yesterday. But they are just teenagers.

'Miss? Jacob said you and Coach Kelce were pretty intimate yesterday, and i caught y'all the day before. Are you in a relationship?' She asked and i flustered. 'Omg you are?' She squeeked excited.

'No were not, and you're not supposed to ask me personal questions. Travis- Coach Kelce is just a friend of mine. Now stop worrying about my love life and get back to you're own.' I said and she just turned around.

The day was great, all of my classes were very chill and we all just relaxed a little. The day ended and i just went home, chilled little and answered some emails. I suddenly got a email from Travis so i clicked on it.

'So i heard we are a couple now?'

'Why do they love our business so much?'

'Our business?'

Fuck. He had me there.

'I mean don't they have there own love lives to worry about.'

'Love life? Miss. Swift this maybe a bold question but could i possibly get you're number?'

I blushed at his question, obviously accepting the offer and typing in my number. My phone dinged and i grabbed it, heading over to my bed and tucking myself in

'It works. You didn't set me up.'

'Why would i?'

'So we maybe should keep a little space between our bodies, we don't want anymore people getting the wrong idea. Right Miss. Swift?'

'Taylor, and i suppose so.'

We talked about a lot, we ended up texting until 2am. I was kicking my feet and blushing like a teenager as i texted him. I might've accidentally broken my promise to myself, but i think i'm falling for him. Not to get too carried away now, but this could lead somewhere. We shall see. I set my phone down and went to sleep.

*a few days later*

It was Monday again, i'd spent the weekend at Abigail's telling her all about Travis. There was actually more to tell then i thought there was. I did also tell my mom, i didn't say i was like in love with i'm but i told her some things. I don't know if i'm in love, that's a big thing to decide. But i do now i like him more then a friend would.

I got ready and texted Travis a little more when i drove to work. We'd been texting this whole week, i knew a lot about him now. We did keep things casual but sometimes we'd throw in a little flirty text. I had another dream about him, this time even more you know what i mean. As i walked over to my classroom i noticed that the door was already open. I wasn't late or anything so i walked in a little nervous. I saw Travis standing there, with a cup of coffee in his hand. He handed it over to me and i smiled thanking him.

'How did you know my order?' I asked him.

'Well for the week you've worked here you've always come in with the same take out cup. So i went over there and asked for you're regular.' I melted at his words and effort.

'Stalker.' I stuck out my tongue and Travis licked his lips.

'Well what can i say. I have to head to the field, i'll text you later.' He says as he walks off. I sit down at my desk as the first couple off students walk in.

They all got there books out and started reading. This period we were just writing book rapports, so we spent most lessons on reading. I looked up to see Audrey laughing at me.

'What's so funny Miss. Robert's?' I asked her and she looked up. She wasn't afraid of me and i loved that actually.

'Just reading the 'gorgeous' on the side of you're cup Miss. Swift. Oh and i obviously recognize Coach's terrible hand writing.' She says and i grab my cup, it did say gorgeous. He said that about my eyes, i loved that he made such effort. 'Don't get to excited now Miss.' Aubrey laughed at me and i just looked away. She was more like a friend than a student, but there obviously still was a line. It was thin, and she liked walking on it but it was there.

'Finish you're page, you're dismissed.' I told my period two class. I was happy that i had a free period now, i went to the staff room. Secretly hoping to find Travis there, and by my luck he was.

'Looking for me?' He said and i walked towards him. I checked to see if anyone was walking by, and looked around to see if anyone was inside of the staff room. I don't know what got over me, but i walked even more towards him. Standing on my tiptoes and placing my arms around his neck. I let my lips fall open and i kissed him. He reacted and grabbed my waist, he eased open my mouth with his tongue and we made out. Keeping it under a few seconds, since we didn't want anyone to walk in.

'Well, gorgeous can i take you out on a date?' He asked an my body relaxed at the nickname.

'Yes.' I nodded before walking off. Omg i'm going on a date with him. I texted Abigail who was just as excited as i was. I walked in to the bathrooms to find Audrey and Jacob against a wall. 'Get a room.' I laughed and they pulled apart. Jacob walked off as i went to fix my hair, Audrey stood beside me.

'Well you look like, and excuse me for my language, but like you've just been banged.' Audrey chuckled and i slapped her shoulder. 'Oh wait really?' She looked at me a little grossed out.

'No of course not. Now get to class.' I told her and she laughed as she walked off. I sighed happily in the mirror before also walking off.

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