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Friday midday

I was so nervous about meeting Travis's family. I knew that they were all going to be lovely, assuming right from Travis's story's. But i was still a girl, meeting the parents of her boyfriend. Boyfriend, i still can't believe it.

'Are you going to use the coffee machine or can i?' I turned around to see Beth looking at me. 'What's going on sweet heart?' She asked.

'I'm meeting his family tonight.' I said and she nodded.

'You'll do great darling, now don't you worry. I believe he's waiting for you.' She pointed to Travis who was standing in the door frame. I said goodbye to Beth and hugged Travis.

'Are you ready?' He asked and i nodded walking over to his car. We decided to just pick my car up Sunday after prom, besides i was staying with Travis today and tomorrow. We drove and talked and after an hour we had arrived. I suddenly felt nervous but Travis calmed me down. 'They'll love you, because i love you.' He placed a kiss on my lips and we got out of the car. We rang the doorbell and the door swung open.

'Hello boy.' A lady who looked a lot like Travis opened the door. She was about my mom's age and their smiles were identical. 'And you must be Taylor?' She moved Travis to the side and hugged me.

'It's nice to meet you, Miss Kelce.' I said and Travis took my jacket.

'You can call me Donna dear, come one Jason, Kylie and Ed are in the living room.' We followed Donna and i greeted everyone. We sat down at the dinner table as we started small talk.

'So you work as an English teacher at the same school as Trav?' Kylie asked me and i nodded. 'Isn't that against the rules?' She asked.

'Well alsnog as they don't hang in the staff room, i think it's okay.' Jason joked and Travis and Kylie shot him a look. I just laughed at the joke.

Kylie and i really hit it off, she showed me pictures of their kids and told me all about them.

'You'll meet them at the next family gathering.' It warmed my heart that they had all welcomed me in so easily.

'What about thirty seconds?' Donna said and everyone agreed.

'It's not a Kelce dinner if some random game isn't pulled out of the closet.' Kylie said and i laughed.

'No i'm on a team with Kylie, you be on one with you're brother.' I told Travis and he just laughed.

Kylie and i won the game, so we didn't shut up about it to Travis and Jason for the entire evening. Around 10:30pm Travis and i went home. I thanked them for everything and Kylie and i exchanged phone numbers. We drove home and chatted a little before going to sleep.

'They like you do much more than they like me.' Travis joked towards me.

'Not true.' I teased him.

'So are you excited for you're first prom here?' Travis asked an i nodded. 'You're gonna be my date so what color tie do i have to wear?' He asked.

'White, i love my dress i look like a princess. Abigail picked it out for me.' I told Travis.

'I still have to meet her!' He said and i nodded. After talking a little more we went to bed. Cuddling up against his chest i fell right asleep.

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