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I got up at my first alarm the next morning, so i turned the rest of them off. I went to have a shower and picked out a simple outfit. Just some jeans and a navy top, not revealing of course. I texted Abigail to get an outfit approve and she responded satisfied. I made a quick breakfast and packed my bag. I knew i was way to early as i left by 7:30am, but better early than late. So i went to my car and placed my stuff inside of it. I grabbed a coffee at a local coffee shop around the corner and headed off to school. When i got there it was pretty quiet.

'You're early dear.' Beth said as she walked in and went to sit behind her desk. We chatted a little but after ten minutes i really had to get to my class. This school already started at 8am, which was an hour earlier than the last school i worked at. As i set up my stuff a few students started to roll in, giving me a smile or just looking at me. At 8:05am i closed the door since everyone was here, i didn't take attendance.

'Hello everyone, i'm Miss. Swift i'll be you're English teacher this year. I know that it's the first day back and it's first period, so i'll take it slow.' I looked around and already saw a guy who had his hand raised. 'Yes, in the back' I pointed to him.

'Are you even old enough to teach.' He chuckled, the group behind him laughed, i assumed that they were his friends.

'What's you're name?' I asked as i walked over to him with a book in my hand.

'Max, Williams.' His said looking a little less tough then a few seconds ago.

'Well Mr. Williams the first two pages will do for now.' I told him and he looked a little confused. 'I didn't realize you were that stupid you couldn't read.' I told him and everyone laughed. With these type on kids you'd just have to put them on the spot, and make them learn the hard way.

'I- Uh.' He started reading, and everyone looked at him. Causing him to panic a little more, but he read the pages. I'd earned their respect after that stunt with Max. After that i'd handed them all a little assignment and they went to work quietly.

A girl came up to my desk and stated a little at me. 'Wow, you have really pretty eyes.' She slammed her lips closed and looked embarrassed. 'I'm sorry that was really weird.' She looked away.

'No its really sweet thank you.' She'd been the sassy one before i'd come in. Talking with a lot of people and laughing, you're standard chill girl. Someone that got along with everyone, and was really sweet but also a little sassy. 'What was you're question?' I asked her and she came a little closer, dropping her voice to a whisper.

'Do you maybe have a tampon?' She asked and i nodded. Not saying anything and just placing it in her hand, obviously not wanting anyone to look up. She headed off to the bathroom. I looked her up in the system, Audrey Roberts, i liked her already.

The day passed at a normal pace, i finished my period three and went to the staff room to eat my lunch. I'd thrown in the salad i had left over from last night and sat down at the table. There weren't a lot of other people so i just looked trough my phone a little. I looked up to see Travis sitting in front of me staring at me.

'Hey.' I spoke softly.

'Hi.' He said as he pulled out his lunch box. I chuckled at the cars lunch box and he raised his eyebrow. 'I was in a rush okay.' He said and i laughed.

'Couldn't your wife pack your lunch?' I asked, obviously trying to see if he had one.

'I don't have one.' He said smirking.

'You're girlfriend?' He smiled and nodded.

'No also no girlfriend. Why are you so curious Miss. Swift?' He said and i blushed a little.

'No reason.' We talked a little, just about the regular stuff.

'And then we-.' Travis stopped mid sentence, we looked over to see Audrey standing there. I only now realized he'd come to sit next to me, our bodies were really close. And i was sweating, from excitement and nervousness.

'Uhm Miss. Swift, Mr. Smith needs you.' She said and walked away giggling. I got up and said goodbye to Travis and went over to Tom's classroom. He just asked for a copy of the assignment, so i handed it to him.

Fourth period i had a free period so i headed over to the coffee machine. I filled up my cup and turned around to see Travis standing there.

'Staking me?' I teased an he chuckled.

'You wished.' He came over and looked me in my eyes. 'You have really gorgeous eyes.' He told me, i blushed crazy as he took my face in his hands, stroking my cheek. My lips parted and my breathing sped up.

'Coach, we need-.' Jacob stood inside of the staff room, looking a little uncomfortable. We startled apart and Travis walked off without saying anything. I walked back to my classroom and finished the day.

When i got home i kept thinking about what would've happened if Jacob hadn't come in. Would he have kissed me? I don't know, but i certainly would've kissed him. God, no i can't. I kept repeating the moment in my head, over and over. Even when i was trying to sleep i kept seeing him.

'Fuck Taylor, you feel so tight.' Travis whimpered against my lips as he fucked my slowly. A moan escaped my lips as i startled awake. No i didn't just have a sex dream about my co worker. No, i don't like him i just haven't had sex in a while. Yes, that must be it, i went back to sleep trying not to think about it.

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