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*ten years later*

Travis and i have been married for over six years now. After dating for four, he'd finally asked me and i obviously screamed yes. Our lives have been amazing, and it just keeps getting better. Our family has grown out to four. Bella, of six and Oliver whose just turned four. I've truly never been this happy in my entire life.

It's Olivers first day of pre school today, and i was dropping him off. I was working part time because of the kids, and Travis tried to get off as much as possible. I loved working with him, well at least close to him. I'm still convinced that Oliver has been conceived in his office at school.

I drove to the pre school a few minutes away. Oliver looked just like Travis, only with blonde hair. Bella was the exact copy of me, but with Travis's green eyes.

We arrived at the pre school and Oliver jumped out excited. I've literally never met a more happy kid than him. Bella's had a bit of my stubbornness, but is also a real sweetheart. We walked in and i looked up at the woman standing behind the computer.

'Holy shit, Audrey?' She blinked up and smiled.

'Oh my god, Miss Swift!' She jumped from behind the counter and hugged me. I hadn't seen her in forever. We'd kept contact, but never hung out or anything. She knew about Bella and Oliver, and that we were married.

'How are you, do you work here?' I asked still jazzed up.

'Yea i do, but it's temporary. I want to also work at a high school some day, but we've gotta start small. How are you doing?' She asked me and we both couldn't stop smiling.

'I'm on top of the world, Travis is still my soulmate. And my two little angles are the best thing that have ever happened to me.' I still couldn't believe what was happening.

'Oh my i have some gossip, hold on.' She bended over and told Oliver something. He walked of the the playroom and immediately was giggling.

'So tell me.' I sat down next to her, behind the desk.

'Well you know Max right? He's in jail, he got sued by this family of a girl. Apparently he'd done stuff to her and asked her for money, it's not pretty.' She told me, but i wasn't at all surprised.

'Well let's hope he gets what he deserves. Anything else?' I asked a little curious now.

'Well i've met someone, his name is Liam and we've been dating for a little over a year now. He owns the restaurant down the street.' She told me and showed me a picture of the two of them.

'I'm so happy for you, i really mean it. We've got to hang out soon, i'm sure Trav would love to see you too.' I told her as i got up. I immediately texted Travis everything that had happened and he was also very excited. Later when i got home that evening, Travis was already making dinner.

'Hello gorgeous.' He hadn't stopped calling me that.

'Hey handsome, how was your day?' I sat down at the table as we made conversation. Travis always immediately made me laugh.

We'd moved a little further away from the school, because of the lack of space. With two kids you need three bedrooms, so we moved. Travis still had some money left over from his savings, and we both paid the house of every month.

I really don't know what i did to get so incredibly lucky.

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