✯𝐶𝒉𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 18: 𝐵𝒉𝑎𝑏𝒉𝑖

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Last Night

Aarav's Bedroom

Aarav lies on his bed, staring at the ceiling, deep in thought. His face shows a mix of concern and determination.

Aarav(inner voice) "What is Shivani hiding from me? There's something big she's not telling me. That kidnapping wasn't random. But how do I get her to open up? She's not going to tell me easily. I need to do something, but what?"

Aarav sits up, a plan forming in his mind. He recalls Smaira's presence with Shivani at the hospital.

Aarav(thinking): "Smaira was with her in the hospital. Maybe Shivani confided in her, even a little bit. I need to talk to Smaira, find out what she knows. We need to ensure Shivani's safety and uncover the truth."

Aarav gets out of bed, his resolve clear. He heads towards Smaira's room, his steps purposeful.

Smaira's Room

Smaira is lying on her bed, deep in thought. Her face shows a mix of confusion and determination.

Smaira's Inner Voice: "What does Genius want from me? He says he loves me. Is this some kind of joke? How can he love me when I don't even know him? This has to be a ploy to keep me away from Aarav, but I won't let that happen."

Just then, Aarav enters the room. Smaira sees him and sits up quickly.

Aarav: "Why didn't you lock the door?"

Smaira: "I couldn't sleep. Besides, it's almost morning."

Aarav: "I need to talk to you about something."

Smaira: "What is it?"

Aarav walks over and sits on the bed beside her, his expression serious.

Aarav: "It's about Shivani. She's hiding something from us, and it's related to her kidnapping. We need to find out what she's not telling us and ensure her safety."

Smaira: "But I don't know anything about that."

Aarav: "She must have told you something. You were with her at the hospital. Didn't she say anything on the way there?"

Smaira: "No, she didn't say anything. I tried to get her to talk, but she wouldn't."

Aarav: "You went to her house that day. Did you notice anything unusual?"

Smaira: "Not really. Just that the house didn't seem like it was hers. She said they were renting it and that no one else lived upstairs."

Aarav's face lights up with a cunning smile.

Aarav: "I have a plan."

Smaira: "What's the plan?"

Aarav: "First, we need to talk to Aadhya, Arjun, and Kabir."

Smaira: "But tell me what the plan is."

Aarav: "I'll explain to everyone at once."

Smaira: "But they might be sleeping now."

Aarav: "You just said it's almost morning. They should be awake by now."

Smaira: "Okay, call them."

Aarav tries calling Kabir, but he doesn't pick up. He tries a few more times with no success.

Smaira: "Maybe he's sleeping. We shouldn't disturb him. We can tell him later."

Aarav: "Alright."

Aarav then tries calling Arjun, but Arjun doesn't pick up either.

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