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This was the epitome of Halloween and Eleanor couldn't have been more happier. The small children knocking on the front door with costumes that really could've scared her (not really) while they boast about their outfits with grand smiles, only to hold out their buckets of bags and try and get more sweets than possible.

Eleanor loved every single aspect of Halloween.

"You should sign up for carving competitions," Negan admitted. The pair was sat on their settee, arms around each other as they watched the title 'Halloween' span across the TV. "That's really good."

Eleanor just grinned and looked up at her pumpkin flaring with a small flame inside. It was a cut out of Sally and Jack. By no means was she artistic (leave that for Maya) but carving pumpkins was her thing.

In this world at least. She thought.


Confusion sprawled across her face like a disease so she quickly shook it away to not concern Negan. He didn't notice. Thank God.

She turned to look at him and smiled, reaching up to press a kiss to his jaw. "Thank you," she whispered. "I tried."

"Oh, shut your goddamn mouth—"

"I was being modest!"

He rolled his eyes, "It doesn't suit you."

"Oh, bite me." He gave her a look, and she knew that fucking look. The one where his eyes cloud over and a smirk finds home at his lips. He always looked good like that; he always looked good.

But their escapades were cut short with the loud racking at their front door. "I'll get it," Negan said, hopping off the settee while grabbing the bowl of sweets. Technically, it should be trick-or-treaters.

Eleanor just smiled and reached over to pause the TV and wait for him. But the excited chatter of children never came, and only the low rumbles of someone in pain filled the atmosphere.

Eleanor slowly got up from her seat and followed Negan over, only to see a staggering figure in front of her. "Maya?" The young woman stood lurched over, blood dripping from her neck; blackened eyes and messy hair.

She could see Negan reach forward to grab her but Elle straightened herself up, and grinned.

"You're gonna give him a heart attack, Skittles."

Maya stood up and laughed, a belly one at that, where her eyes creases and she leant back all the while Negan stood there with a frown. He looked between Maya, and then Eleanor, and scoffed.

"You're a goddamn cunt." He murmured before stropping off.

Eleanor just rolled her eyes and reached forward to grab Maya in a bone crushing hug. "You're not supposed to be here!" You're not really here. "Fucking Hell, I've missed you."

Maya only smiled as she held her harder. "I've missed you more."

This isn't real.

Eleanor didn't let Maya wait outside in the cold anymore, she rushed her inside and got her to speak to Negan while she made a cuppa. As happy as she was to see Maya, something wasn't right. It didn't feel right.

This life with her and Negan wasn't real, her and Maya wasn't real, this whole Halloween thing is not real. But how could she deny what's clearly in front of her? It was like her brain was taken over by some mutant creature and she didn't know what to do about it.

ELEANOR  .  NEGANWhere stories live. Discover now