Penelope: An Unforgiven Wound

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In one of the quiet and prestigious neighborhoods of modern London lived a family whose history was woven into the fabric of aristocratic society. Penelope was born into a family where ancestors held titles and considerable fortunes. However, her life was not as cloudless as one might imagine.

Her mother, in search of a secure future, married her father, hoping for financial stability. However, fate played a cruel joke on her. Penelope's father, a reckless and gambling man, lost all the inheritance in a casino. Unable to bear the shame and realization of his mistakes, he made the most selfish decision of his life—he ended it, leaving his wife and three children in debt and without any support.

This tragic event deeply affected Penelope's mother. She became controlling and did not allow the children to make any decisions on their own. Penelope considered herself lucky that her best friend was Eloise Bridgerton. The Bridgerton family was not only wealthy but also surprisingly harmonious. Eloise had seven brothers and sisters, and their home was always full of laughter and joy. Penelope loved escaping the chaos and constant quarrels at her house to the cozy Bridgerton household, where she was always welcomed warmly.

Penelope often recalled those moments when the Bridgerton home was filled with joy and laughter. Eloise's father was a man with a vibrant soul. He organized small plays for the children and their friends, told fascinating stories about their ancestors and their adventures. These memories were bright islands in the ocean of Penelope's current life.

When Penelope was fifteen, her father took that fatal step, and Violet Bridgerton, Eloise's mother, offered Penelope to temporarily move in with them. This allowed her to focus on her studies in high school and eventually get into a prestigious university, which the Bridgertons also helped to pay for.

Life with the Bridgertons was a true blessing. Each day was filled with laughter, games, and endless conversations at the dinner table. Violet Bridgerton, the matriarch of the family, became a second mother to Penelope. She supported her when she felt lost and helped her cope with difficulties.

It took Penelope many years and numerous therapy sessions to stop blaming her father and mother for her unhappy childhood. But she managed to do it. After college, she found the strength to start rebuilding her relationship with her mother. This was not easy, but over time she began to understand her and the reasons for many of her decisions. This change was also influenced by one of the Bridgertons—Colin.

Penelope had been in love with Colin since childhood, and it seemed everyone knew about it except Colin himself. Or maybe he just pretended not to know.

Until that fateful day. The Bridgertons were celebrating Eloise and Penelope's graduation and their admission to the prestigious University of St. Andrews in the Scottish region of Fife. Penelope knew they were leaving for a long time, and she decided that now was the time to confess her feelings to Colin.

She woke up quite late in the morning. Eloise, not wanting to wake her, left a note saying she had gone shopping for the party with her mother and would be back soon. Penelope got dressed and went down to make herself some coffee, intending to sit on the veranda. There she found Colin, who was writing something in his diary.

"Good morning, Colin," Penelope greeted him, trying to hide her excitement.

"Good morning, Penelope," he replied, smiling. "How did you sleep?"

"Fine, thank you. Are you writing something?"

"Yes, planning my future. I'm going on a trip to Europe."

Penelope froze upon hearing this.

"A trip? For how long?"

"For a few months, maybe longer. I want to see the world before returning to ordinary life."

Penelope felt her heart tighten. She couldn't miss this moment.

"Colin, I have to tell you something," she began, gathering all her courage. "I've been in love with you since childhood. I always hoped you felt the same."

Colin was shocked, but then he approached her and gently kissed her.

"Penelope, I..." he began, but then heard Eloise's voice. "I have to go."

He quickly moved away from her and left. Penelope stood on the veranda, feeling a mix of emotions.

All day she walked around feeling elated, thinking that finally the boy of her dreams shared her feelings. But in the evening, overhearing a conversation between Colin and his friends, she realized she was wrong.

"I will never court Penelope," Colin said. "It's just impossible."

These words hit her like a bolt from the blue. She saw Anthony, Colin's older brother, give him a fierce look and a slap on the head.

"How could you say that?" Anthony said indignantly. "Penelope deserves better."

Anthony approached Penelope to comfort her.

"Penelope, don't listen to him," he said gently. "He may be my brother, but he's an idiot."

But Penelope was so embarrassed and upset that she decided to simply pack her things and leave early without saying goodbye to anyone.

Several months passed after that incident. Penelope tried to forget what had happened, but every time she remembered those words, her heart ached. She refused to attend Bridgerton family events, staying in touch only with Eloise and occasionally answering calls from Anthony, whom she felt was like an older brother, and Violet, who had become her second mother.

Eloise, always cheerful and energetic, tried to maintain their connection and convince Penelope to return to society. They often met at cafes or at Eloise's house to discuss the latest news and events.

"Penelope, you shouldn't let Colin's words ruin your life," Eloise said, hugging her friend. "You're strong and talented. We all love you."

"I know, Eloise," Penelope sighed. "But it's so hard. I thought he felt the same."

Anthony also tried to support her. He often called and invited her to family dinners and parties.

"Penelope, we miss you," he said. "Please come. Mother constantly asks about you."

It was hard for Penelope to refuse such invitations, especially when she knew Violet was genuinely concerned about her. She began to gradually return to the Bridgerton society, although with great caution, choosing events where Colin would not be present.

Penelope graduated from university with honors and began her career in journalism. Her perseverance and talent led her to the position of editor at a well-known magazine. She became an accomplished woman, respected and successful in her profession.

However, despite all her achievements, Penelope could not forget what Colin had done. Time did not heal the wound, and she still felt the pain of his words. Even as the editor of a famous magazine and an accomplished woman, she could not forget that fateful day.

Every memory of Colin was like a sharp knife that cut through her heart. She often thought about how her life could have turned out if it weren't for Colin's actions. But reality was different, and she had to learn to live with it.

One evening, many years later, returning from an event, Penelope decided to walk through the night streets of London to clear her mind. The city was bathed in the soft light of street lamps, giving everything around a mysterious and romantic look. She walked along the deserted streets, enjoying the silence and the freshness of the night air.

Stopping in front of a cozy restaurant called "The Viscount and the Rose," Penelope noticed a couple in love, holding hands and looking at each other with tenderness. This sight brought back memories that were very painful for her.

"Oh, Colin, what have you done," Penelope whispered, wiping a tear from her cheek.

She felt her heart clench with pain but tried not to give in to despair.

Gathering her thoughts, Penelope continued her walk through the night streets of London.

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