Benedict & Penelope & Colin: Interwoven Fates

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Colin Bridgerton sat in a small, cozy café, enjoying his warm coffee and watching the life of London through the large storefront window. He observed the hurried passersby, the children playing, and the couples smiling at each other. Life flowed on as usual, yet his heart was heavy with memories and regrets.

It had been five years since he last saw Marina. Five long years filled with regrets and attempts to find himself. He remembered the day she disappeared from his life, leaving a deep wound in his heart. Suddenly, his gaze fell on a familiar face in the crowd. It was Marina. She walked alone, holding back a smile that once was his solace. Colin felt his heart beat faster. He rose from his seat and headed towards her.

"Marina?" he asked, trying to hide the surprise and awkwardness in his voice.

Marina turned around, her eyes widening in surprise, but she quickly composed herself, smiling.

"Colin, hello," she replied with a slight smile. "Long time no see."

"Yes, it's been many years," Colin said, trying to maintain a calm demeanor. "How have you been?"

"Everything's fine, thank you," she replied, trying not to show her anxiety. "And you?"

"I'm doing alright," he answered, feeling the awkwardness of the conversation. "Congratulations on your wedding and happy life."

Marina nodded, her smile becoming a bit strained. "Thank you, Colin."

Colin wanted to say something more, but at that moment, two children — a boy and a girl — ran up to Marina. They laughed joyfully and pulled Marina by the hands.

"Mama, mama, look what we found!" the boy shouted, showing her a beautiful stone.

Colin froze in place, his eyes widening in shock. He didn't know she had children.

"Are these your children?" he asked, trying to hide his surprise.

Marina nodded, her face expressing mixed emotions. "Yes, this is Oliver and Amanda," she replied, smiling tenderly at the children.

Colin felt his heart tighten. He didn't know what to say and just stood there, watching the children play around her.

"I have to go," he finally said, feeling he could no longer bear the tension. "Take care, Marina."

"You too, Colin," she replied, her voice filled with regret.

He nodded and, not knowing what else to say, slowly walked away, watching the children play. That evening, Colin sat in his study, lost in thoughts about what had happened over the years. He couldn't forget Marina and her children. The guilt for his past actions gnawed at him. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of his study.

"What are you doing here?" Colin asked, his voice full of surprise.


Benedict and Sophie were splashing paint at each other in the studio, laughing merrily, when a stranger entered the studio. Benedict turned around and saw Colin, his brother. Colin's face was tense and serious, and Benedict immediately knew this visit wouldn't be pleasant.

"We need to talk, Benedict," Colin began, his voice quiet but persistent.

"Sophie, you can finish for today. I'll lock up the studio," Benedict said, trying to hide his anxiety.

Sophie nodded and began gathering her things. "See you tomorrow, Mr. Bridgerton," she said, heading to the exit.

When Sophie left, Colin stepped forward, his eyes filled with determination.

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