| Ep 57 |

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"...That's the plan?"

Tyler's skeptical face was shown through my phone screen. We were all huddled around it, currently catching him up on a video call. It was strange seeing him still hooked up to loads of wires, despite the fact that he was doing much better.

I nod at him, "Yeah, as of right now."

He narrows his eyes at the camera, "And you're sure the power will work?"

"...In theory," Logan nervously says from over my shoulder, "I mean, the generator for the graveyard works, so this should too."

Taylor leans toward me, getting in frame as she asks her brother, "What do you think?"

"..Well I guess it's the only real plan we have right now, so it's worth a shot."

I notice the way he falls silent, as if contemplating something in his head before saying, "I still think you guys should just leave me behind first. I've already died once, what worse can-"

"Tyler, don't. I- we aren't leaving you behind." I say firmly, the thought never even crossing my mind.

Ashlyn sighs, also disliking Tyler's idea, "We don't know what the phantoms are trying to do and I don't think it's as simple as them trying to kill us. We aren't going to risk anything until we know more information."

Tyler rolls his eyes, inching his phone away from his face as Ashlyn's tone grows louder and sterner, "Not to mention, the stroke from shock could've killed you!"

"Fine, fine. Whatever. Stop yelling," He sighs before centering his face in the frame once again, "Anyway, none of you have slept yet, so stop talking to me and try to get some rest before midnight."

"You should too." I advise.

I notice the most subtle crack of a smile appear on his face before it's gone in an instant. Everyone waves before walking away to give me some space to speak to him alone. I get settled against the pillow I was resting on and take in his appearance on my screen,

"You're looking better. But are you feeling any different?"

He shrugs his shoulders, flicking a finger at the oxygen tube strapped across his face.

"Eh, I don't know how to explain it. I'm not in pain, but I'm not exactly comfortable either."

I nod, "Right..."

He looks at me for a couple of seconds before sighing, "Y/N, whatever happens tonight...don't beat yourself up over whatever's out of your control."

I roll my tongue against the side of my inner cheek and respond, "I won't have any regrets, Ty. We're going to get you back, okay?"

He chuckles softly, but I don't fail to notice the faint hint of sorrow in his tone, "Okay."

We exchange 'goodnight's and I hang up on him. I glance over my shoulder to find Ashlyn passing around a bottle of melatonin gummies. When it reaches Ben, he takes one and then offers me some.

My eyes linger on the one in his outstretched hand. I suppose this would quiet my loud thoughts tonight. I could use some sleep, and this was the best way to go about it without disruptions.

"Thanks." I take the gummy and pop it in my mouth.

Later that night, we were all sprawled out on the floor of the living room whilst the parents sat around the dining table. I had woken up only a couple of hours after I took the melatonin. I was flat on the ground in between Logan and Aiden. The latter was probably one of the worst people to sleep next to. Every few minutes, Aiden's arm would fall onto my face. And every time I went to shove it away, he'd just groan and smack me again.

I suddenly flinch when I feel a hand wrap around mine behind me. I turn over to find Logan's hand firmly gripping mine, slightly shaking. I frown and give it a reassuring squeeze. I hear some more shuffling from a few of the others. It seemed the melatonin didn't do enough to keep us from waking up minutes before the shift.

I sit up, finding everyone now wide awake, but as still as rocks. What had mainly been keeping me up was the thought of how much pain Tyler would be in when we switch to the phantom world. That is...if he's even still alive.

Without any sort of warning, my body churns as we shift into the other dimension. Every single time this occurs, it feels like the wind has been knocked right out of me. I don't know if I'll ever get used to the nauseating feeling.

HELLO?? We just hit 100k reads! This is mind blowing and I thank everyone who has interacted with the story in any way. Special shoutout to those who have been around since the early chapters were published.

If a 100K special chapter is something that interests you, leave suggestions here.

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