| Ep 70 |

967 54 46

"Hello? Anyone in here?"

Logan's voice cracks as he follows me inside. My grip on my bow never falters as I step over the pool of blood. It was fresh.


A weak voice croaks from the bathroom. I head straight for it, recognizing the voice to be Tyler's. I ignore the blood swishing at the bottom of my shoes as I swing the bathroom door open, revealing a pale Tyler slouched in the corner of the bathroom floor.

Blood pooled out of his stomach, spilling out all around him. His face is like that of a corpse's; lifeless. He sucks in a breath when I come into view and tries to get up but only grunts in response.

The other three poke their heads over my shoulder and grimace at the sight. I drop my bow and fall to my knees in front of him. My lip quivers as I take in his condition. He was soaked in his own blood, using a fitted sheet to absorb as much as possible.

"Tyler..." I breathe out as I place a hand over the one clutching the sheet on his stomach. He groans and tilts his head to the side, on the verge of passing out from blood loss.

"Y/N...don't- agh!" He clenches his jaw, biting back a cry, "Don't look at me like that..."

He then weakly looks over my shoulder at the others standing in the doorway, "And you guys...do you think...it makes me feel any better...if you react...like that...?"

"...How else am I supposed to react?" Ashlyn asks through a shaky tone.

"Oh I dunno...maybe some words of...encouragement-"

"Stop talking." I order as I try my best to clean up his wounds with the sheets. He was using up all of his strength just to get a couple of words out.

The color on my face must've been close to nonexistent because I feel his bloodied hand cradle it gently and he says, "I'm fine..."

I shake my head, "Don't give me that bullshit now, Ty. Just let me clean you up-"

Ben nudges my shoulder with a notepad in his hand. He flips it over to reveal words written in black ink,

I'll stay w you to patch him up. Ash + Logan went to find the others

I nod and scoot aside so Ben could pick Tyler up. He's too weak to push him away, instead allowing the tall brunette to carry him over to the bed.

I toss the dirtied sheets on the floor and make room for Tyler. Ben sets him down gently and makes quick work of unraveling the overused bandages around his torso.

I lack skill in the medical department, so the best I can do is clean the blood off while Ben reapplies some bandages.

I sit at the edge of the bed with a cloth Ben handed me and lightly dab at the blood on Tyler's arms. He grimaces and winces every time Ben's hands graze over his injuries, but he doesn't move away.

It hurts to see him so fragile and vulnerable, especially when there was only so much Ben could do.

I then feel calloused hands wrap around mine. I look over at Tyler's heavy eyes watching me carefully. He opened his mouth to say something before remembering we weren't alone.

As Ben wraps another layer over Tyler's stomach, he spares us a glance and immediately senses the unspoken question. He brings a hand to his lips, making a sealing motion to assure us he wouldn't eavesdrop, despite being right in front of us.

I can't help but chuckle, but Tyler doesn't seem to find anything about tonight amusing. He squeezes my hand, sharply inhaling when Ben's finger accidentally jabs his side.

𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 | Tyler x Reader | School Bus GraveyardWhere stories live. Discover now