Chapter 1

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Today was my 11th birthday, July twenty-third, but my parents were too busy to celebrate it like most of my birthdays. I took a brief morning walk in the courtyard with my cream-coloured, boba-eyed pug named Loafer. He was named due to his many rolls. 

Once I had been walking for a while, I headed inside to go work on my studies. I wanted to become a famous architect and do interior and exterior designs on multi-million-pound homes. I was currently researching colour schemes. I sat on my white fluffy bean bag with Loafer snoozing on the peak of the bag. I did thirty minutes of taking notes on warm colours versus cold colours in homes. Then, I heard the ringing of the bell outside my door. Breakfast was ready.

I slowly walked down the grand front staircase down to the small private dining room that we use for large parties and gatherings. I had a small sip of calming earl grey tea before setting my napkin on my lap and digging in. I had two small waffles in the shape of a heart with fruit and syrup on top. 

As I ate, I spoke to my parents about their morning plans. My father was reading the newspaper and sipping tea quietly, while my mother was flipping through important documents. They wished me a happy birthday and quickly gave me an expensive diamond bracelet, and then left. 

The servant brought the mail. I had only one letter and it was from my teacher about my excellent grades. She gave me a personal congratulations on my top grades, above and beyond help, but it was no surprise. This was typical of my teachers.

I dabbed my mouth with my napkin, set it down, and headed off to my room. I changed out of my baby blue silk robes and into a black polo neck and blue plaid skirt with my pearl necklace. I put my royal blue hair into a bun with a silver and sapphire flower bun comb and put on my 7 freshly cleaned emerald and silver rings. 

I love wearing multiple rings, I have a ring on almost every finger. I changed from glasses to contacts and started my make-up. It was weird being 11 and wearing makeup, but my parents insisted I wear it. I applied a little foundation because I had smooth and anti-acne skin. I added some eyeliner and a pop of blush. Once I was done, I opened the drapes, unlocked the windows, and walked onto the balcony. I took a large breath of fresh air and gazed at the vast space of luscious green land.

When I came back to reality, I was instantly spooked by a beady-eyed, snowy white, owl that was perched on a corner piece of the iron railings. I was stunned that out there, somewhere, there was an owl post office. In its mouth was what looked like a really old and small letter. I curiously and cautiously looked at the envelope and saw what looked like a crest with four animals; a badger, a lion, a eagle, and a snake with an H on it, it was addressed to me. I was concerned because I rarely get letters from anyone I didn't know. I opened it and it said,

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, 

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Miss Haynes,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find an enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

I was ecstatic! I was accepted to a school with magic! That sounds like a dream come true! I sped downstairs to tell my parents. "MOM! DAD! Look at the letter I got!" I said rushing to them. My parents happened to have been right next to each other.

My mother took a gander at the letter and then had the blandest response ever. "Wonderful, you can go there if you so wish but I don't care. Now, if you excuse me, I have other business to attend to," she scowled.

"Well, I'm going and I will have a pleasant time, thank you very much," I huffed and stormed off, slightly shook that she basically said yes. I ran to my room and noticed the owl was still there so I took a piece of parchment and wrote my answer to the letter;

Dear Deputy Headmistress Ms. McGonagall,

I am pleased to inform you that I will be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year. I am excited to meet you and explore my magical prowess.


Victoria Haynes

I folded the letter into an envelope, wrote the address, wax stamped it, and gave it to the owl. I gave it a pet goodbye and started packing for Hogwarts. I packed a lot of designer clothing; skirts, trousers, jumpers, jewellery, make-up, and other necessities. A couple weeks later, 

I went to the family Rolls-Royce. I greeted the family driver, Roger, and headed off. I was informed in the letter I got that I needed to go to Diagon Alley.

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