Chapter 10

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Five days till Christmas. 

Exams were canceled as a Christmas treat from Dumbledore, so Daphne and I were hanging out in the common room, in front of the sizzling fire, writing letters to our parents to wish them Happy Christmas. Instantaneously, a large archway opened up where the entrance to the dorm usually was and a large man came in carrying a huge Christmas tree. 

It was the same man who helped first-years travel on the boats to Hogwarts. He grabbed a large cauldron-like pot and set the large tree in the corner of the common room by the window facing the Black Lake. He left before he came back with dozens of boxes, which I assumed were ornaments, lights, and silver tinsel. His voice was deep and he stood proudly, "First years, it's an ol' tradition at Hogwarts that during Christmas, ye first years kids decorate the tree! Ye can ask the seventh year kids te help ye with the high bits. And for those who don't know, I'm Rubeus Hagrid. Enjoy!"

Immediately after Hagrid left, us first years rushed to open boxes to find the ornaments that were several shades of green, were silver, shiny, sparkly, big, small, and snake-like. We all started hanging them with so much delight. Other students took the lights and tinsel and spun them around the Christmas tree in opposite directions till the tree was lit up. A seventh year student used a classic wingardium leviosa to put the Slytherin Christmas, silver star on top. I went upstairs to take out a very special, homemade ornament with my name on it, and hung it in the perfect place on the tree. After that, we all admired the Slytherin Christmas tree in all its glory. 

I went back to writing my letter, I really hoped that my parents would respond or at least send me something. I wrote:

Dear Mum and Dad,

Sorry I haven't written to you for a while.

Things at Hogwarts are going well. I fought a mountain troll and joined the Slytherin quidditch team. I am sending you guys gifts from the magic shops in Diagon Alley. I want to know, What have you been up to? How are you doing without me? Will you please send back a letter?

I love you. Hope you enjoy your gifts and a Happy Christmas!



I folded it, wax stamped it, and went to the owlery to send it off. I had already sent them their gifts. My mom would have a glorious picture of me at Hogwarts in a green picture frame and my dad would have assortments of magical candy because he loves candy so much. After I returned to the common room, Daphne was on the couch, in her comfy pyjamas, with a neatly wrapped green box with a white bow tie on it. Next to her, was a small suitcase which I knew was for her holiday trip home. I asked her, "Is that my gift?"

Daphne got up from the couch and handed me the box. I hugged her with a thank you and set it under the tree to open at Christmas. She wanted me to walk with her to the sleighs to go home. We got on gloves, boots, winter robes, some earmuffs, and our Slytherin scarves. We walked out into the snow-filled courtyard, it was like a white blanket that washed over the grass. We hugged one last time as she got onto the sleigh with her other friends and she sped off by horse into the distance. I watched her and waved until I couldn't see her anymore. Then, I went back inside and laid on the black carpet right in front of the fireplace and dozed off soundly.

My head started to fill with dreams, visions, thoughts, or something of that sort. I saw my parents, they were reading my Christmas letter. My mom grabbed it straight from my dad's hands and tossed it right into the trash, like they didn't love me anymore. Mom started to smirk, she spookily began with a fairytale witch-like cackle, "Hahahaha, I'm glad she's gone! I no longer have to take care of her! I am free and done with putting her through classes and taking her to spelling bees, recitals, practice, and pageants! I'm free of her insomnia, her nightmares, her attacks, her pain, her everything! I am free!"

I shot straight up like an arrow, screaming, "Nooooo!" I was panicking. I looked around to see no one in the common room, thankfully. I checked the time to see it was already bedtime, I missed so much. I sat by the fire, coddling myself in tears. I heard footsteps coming from the stairs, I saw a bright light and a shadow. I wiped away my tears and hid behind a chair. They eventually left, so I crept into bed, pulled up the covers and I drifted off.

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