Chapter 2

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I told the driver to wait in front of a random shop because I wasn't sure of where to go. I asked around but everyone looked at me like I was a lunatic. But, after asking a large number of people, one hooded man informed me of a place called the Leaky Cauldron. I headed towards it to find a small black pub. I had never seen it before around town. I walked in and everyone was looking at me because they don't usually see little kids wearing expensive jewellery walking into a pub. I was young, I was 11. I asked the bartender because I was confused, "Do you know where I can find Diagon Alley, Sir?"

"Are you going to Hogwarts, Miss? Because if you are, follow me," He gestured to a large stone wall. He took out a stick and went three up and two across, and then tapped the wall three times on a brick. Then, the bricks started to move in a strange pattern to create an archway. I thanked him and went on my way, full of wonder and confidence.

I was told in the letter I needed uniforms, lots of books, a pet, and a wand. First, I went to the robe shop: Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. I wandered in to meet the owner. She was a very pleasant woman. She wore a mauve robe and was a truly kind person. I asked her, "Hello, I need a uniform for my first year at Hogwarts. Can I be fitted?"

"Why yes, you can! Come here! Come here," She said with a welcoming smile. I got fitted and needed three sets of plain, black, work robes, but when I asked for the price I was confused.

"That will be 15 galleons please," she replied, holding out her hand.

"Galleons? What are Galleons?" I inquired confusingly, because all I had pounds.

"Oh, you don't know about wizard currency? Well, come back later for your robes, but go to Gringotts Bank to exchange your pounds and pences into galleons, sickles, and knuts. It's a large white building around the corner."

I thanked her and walked to a large white building with golden letters spelling Gringotts and went inside. I was astounded by the little creatures who ran it. I was told they were goblins but surrounding folk. 

I walked over to the currency exchange section where I exchanged all of my five-hundred million pounds. It took a long time because the currency was five pounds per galleon. The goblin who helped me suggested I buy a vault for all my money due to the large amount of riches. He happily helped me set up a vault system in the private and hidden quarters in their underground vault system. It was specifically designed for rich and wealthy families, also known as first class people. 

In galleons, it turns out I had over one-hundred million galleons worth of money! I had special guards change all my money into galleons and transported them into the vault. My vault was filled with humongous piles of golden galleons, groups of silver sickles, bunches of bronze knuts, and also my secret, valuable jewellery that were rare, custom-made, or extremely expensive. I needed to keep everything safe.

Once everything was moved, the goblins gave me a special platinum key to open my vault and targeted me as one of the richest people there. So they gave a private guard and special force wizards to guard my vault. Because of my riches, I became well known throughout the bank. Because of this information, I asked to speak to a private goblin about my vault. I asked him to forge two unique special keys that required a two-man system to open my vault. They promised to get the job done immediately.

As I was waiting for my keys in the special VIP lobby, waiting to sign the paperwork for them. I was enjoying a rather exquisite "butterbeer" in a very refined martini glass, when I was approached by a man with long blond hair, a pointed nose, and he was wearing long black robes. Behind those long black robes, lurked a boy with similar blond-yellow hair. It was slicked back. 

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