Chapter 5

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Eyes open bright and early. I wake up before anyone else, and head straight to the bathroom to change, put on some make-up, do my hair, and put on my seven rings(which matched perfectly with my Slytherin vibe). 

I quietly get my books, feed my dog, and go to the Great Hall. Few people were there but no Slytherin first years, great. I started reading the Table of Contents of most of my books to see what I was getting into. I took out parchment paper, and some quills, and got to work taking notes. I had a groove going and nothing was stopping me. As I studied, people slowly began pouring into the Great Hall until everyone was there. Headmaster Dumbledore gave a few announcements and breakfast appeared on the table. I ate some food, packed up my books, and headed to my first class, which was Transfiguration, taught by Professor McGonagall.

I took a seat next to Daphne Greengrass, my new friend, and we listened to instructions. Silence was in the air, until fifteen minutes later, two students stormed in late. One had bright ginger hair and the other had raven-black hair and glasses. Both were Gryffindors. Their names were Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley. 

I didn't pay attention to them much. Those who are late, without good reason, are fools. We practised transfiguring a matchstick into a needle. I only managed to turn the match into metal, but the object still kept a match-like form and not straight and pointy. She gave me an E for effort, but Hermione Granger was the only one who actually did it, getting an O.

Next was Potions with Professor Severus Snape. I overheard that he was a cold man. After all, he was Head of Slytherin House, so he had extremely high expectations. In the dungeons, it was always cold and dark, but that was where potions class was. It was filled to the brim with tables, cabinets of ingredients, and lots of animals and body parts in jars. It was really weird but also fascinating because there were so many animals I didn't know of! The professor stormed into class and spoke slowly, mysteriously, and with malicious intent.

He warned us, "There will be no silly incantations or foolish wand-waving in this class. Potions aren't something you can mess up and it will still be ok, one little change and you can ruin everything and create something completely different. I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death." 

I found it fascinating you can do all that with potions. I must excel in this class! I have always been a fan of following directions carefully, exactly, and precisely to achieve perfection and I have confidence I will ace this class! 

Before we could do anything, Professor Snape began quizzing Harry Potter, calling him a "celebrity" because he was "The Boy Who Lived." It was so tedious. When he revealed the answer to the questions Harry didn't know, we were forced to copy them down quickly.

Snape paired us up for our next task. I was with Daphne and we followed instructions on how to make a simple potion to cure boils. I read everything twice over just to be sure I understood everything because if we did it wrong, we would create boils rather than cure them. 

Then, I got our supplies and we started working. I weighed dried nettles and crushed 6 snake fangs. Once my cauldron heated up, I added the crushed fangs and then the dried nettles, then Daphne stewed in 4 horned slugs. She took the cauldron off the fire and before I stirred in the 2 porcupine quills. I then felt a painful burning sensation on my leg.

Turns out someone's ruined potion melted onto the floor, and since it was extremely hot, it burned through my robes and engulfed my leg giving me second degree burns. I screamed in pain and surprise. The person repeatedly apologised to me but I ignored and persevered through the burn and the tears. I added the quills and stirred 5 times clockwise. Then, with a wave of my wand, Daphne bottled it up and gave it to Professor Snape. 

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