Doing This The Right Way

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My first time with Derek was Friday night. It's now Monday morning and my body is still feeling it. My thighs still burning. My vagina still sensitive. I'm already craving more.

As I head in to work, I try my best to play it cool. I don't want him to know just how addicted to him I've become after only one time. He'd completely ruin me. In the best way, of course.

I step off of the elevator and head straight for that heavy glass door leading to the BAU bullpen. I keep my eyes straight ahead as I put my things down at my desk and head for the coffee pot. As my coffee is brewing, I smell that intoxicating scent of his cologne. I smile to myself.

Before I know it, I'm spun around and my hips meet the edge of the round table. I plant my hands down in front of me to brace myself as his thick middle and index finger spear my pussy beautifully. I can't breathe, but I'm smiling widely at this point. Just as I start to get into it, I'm empty again and I hear the sound of him sucking my wetness off of his hand before I hear his voice.

"Just had to make sure you remember who you belong to. Whether we're at work or not, Daddy will be checking you every single morning." Then, with a barely there kiss to my cheek, he's gone and I'm left to calm myself down.

All morning I've been on edge; hoping, no...praying they don't get called in for a case. It's about 11:45 when I get a text message from Derek. I think I'm in the clear.

D: Looks like no case today. Come to my place after work.

S: Will do, Daddy.

My core tingles and my tummy erupts in butterflies at the opportunity for another romp in the sheets with Derek. It's so hard to focus the rest of the day, but somehow I manage. 6:00pm finally rolls around and I'm off the clock. Once I gather my things and get to my car, I send Derek a text letting him know I'm on my way since he had left a little earlier than me.

I feel myself getting wet with every mile closer to his home. But, I got to keep my cool. So, I pull up in the driveway and walk up the steps; knocking on his door. As the door opens, I'm greeted by his warm, bright smile and his broad shirtless chest. He's teasing me. This time, instead of just stepping aside and letting me in, he wraps me in his arms. I inhale his cologne and then I feel it again. His fingers penetrating my most private area. But just like this morning, as quick as they were there, they're gone. He closes the door and gently tugs me inside.

"Knees." He orders me as he turns to grab my collar off the coffee table.

I do as told, my knees hitting the hardwood floor with a thud. He approaches me finally, collar in hand. He steps so close to me, my face is literally against his crotch as he places my collar on my neck. I so badly want to taste him, but I know better. So, I stay still. Once he's satisfied with my collar, he steps back and firmly grabs my chin in his hand; making me look up at him.

"I know we kinda jumped in headfirst last week. But, we have a lot more rules and expectations that need to be met and conversations that we must have before I feel comfortable taking things that far again. So, that's what we will be doing today. If you're a good girl and can make it through this today, I might let you suck Daddy's cock before you go. But you have to be a good girl. Can you do that?"

His chocolate eyes pierce my baby blues as he stands tall and assertive above me. I swallow hard, no need to contemplate my answer. I just need to find my voice.

"Y-yes...yes Daddy. I can...I can be a good girl." I manage to stutter out.

With my confirmation, he smiles and nods his head. "Good. Now, let's go to the bedroom first. Daddy has another surprise for you."

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