(human) the bear, the rabbit and the little cub

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Like clockwork, Freddie checked the time. 9am, 10am, 10.45am, 11am.
Gregory had not woken up, and neither had he made his way down the stairs to have breakfast. Bonnie had set the table, laying breakfast down, and unlike Freddy and his worrisome actions, he sat still, book in hand, reading.

'Why isn't he awake yet..' Freddy spoke out against the silence.

Without looking up from his book, Bonnie answered, 'He's a child. Children sleep, dear. Don't worry and eat something'.

'He doesn't usually sleep in this late', Freddy continued.

'Freddy. He's a child.'

Freddy replied with a nod, grabbing a slice of toast from the table, taking a bite here and there.

Another hour had passed, and there was still no sign of Gregory.
Freddy decided to take it into his own hands, getting up from his seat and making his way over to Gregory's room.

The door was shut, and it was silent. As if the boy hadn't ever been there. Freddy knocked gently on the door, deeming no answer. So Freddy once again, took it into his own hands, quietly opening the door and walking in.

Gregory was fast asleep, bundled up in bed, covers laying around him in a shape of nest. The little cub, hibernating.
Freddy walked over to him and gently shook him, trying to wake him from his slumber.

Gregory whined and hid under his covers. Freddy smiled widely and shook him again.

'Wakey wakey, superstar. It's time to wake up'

Gregory whined once more and moved out, looking towards Freddy.


'I know superstar, but it's 12pm now, breakfast is cold and papa worked hard on it' Freddy picked the half awake boy up. 'It's time to eat, maybe you can have a nap later?'

Gregory whined and hid into Freddys shoulder. 'Sleepy.'

Freddy chuckled and carried the boy downstairs into the dining room.
Bonnie had long finished his coffee, ate his breakfast, and was back to reading his book. As soon as he heard Freddy walk closer towards the dining room, the rabbit looked up.

'Morning bud, how'd you sleep?'

Gregory remained hidden.

'He's still sleepy, I told him that once he's eaten, he can go back to sleep if he's still sleepy.'

Bonnie nodded and took the child from his arms, sitting him down and plating up some breakfast for him. It wasn't a lot. Toast with butter and jam, scrambled eggs, and bacon. The smell permeated the room, but Gregory's eyes were else where. Spacing off.

The poor boy was still tired. Although they hadn't done anything strenuous the day before, just some shopping and a walk along the street to quell the boredom. There hadn't been anything on the rota to make his this tired.

'Bud, are you feeling unwell?' Bonnie spoke up. He had now sat down, trying to spoon feed the boy.

'I don't know, sleepy' Gregory has continued with his story. He didn't look unwell, but the concern was still there.

'Why don't you try to eat, and we'll check your temperature afterwards, okay?', Bonnie fed the boy.

Gregory nodded and ate as much as he could. Bonnie had always had a habit of feeding the boy, rather than leaving the boy to eat by himself. He was the perfect father figure for him. There had been no ties that linked them together, it was nothing biological. Freddy brought them together, and Freddy had made them a family. And to that, he was thankful. He now always had someone there for when he came home. He was no longer alone.

'Is it yummy superstar?' Freddy spoke up.

Gregory hummed, pushing the plate away. 'Done'.

Bonnie got up and went over to get the thermometer. Gregory sat at the table, staring off again.

Once Bonnie came back, he picked the child up, placing him on his lap and sorted out the thermometer.
Freddy sat still, worried but still.

'Hmm. Not good, but we can sort this out'.

Freddy got up and walked over to Bonnie's side. 'So he's got a fever?'

'A small one, nothing that warrants going to the hospital for. Some fever reducing medicine and bed will do him some good. I'll make some soup later so his stomach won't go empty'. Bonnie set down the thermometer, picking up the boy and cuddling up to him.

'No wonder he's so sleepy. Oh superstar, I'm so sorry.' Freddy leaned over and kissed the boys forehead.

'I'll take the little cub to bed, why don't you bring over some medicine and a chocolate so it won't be so bitter?' Bonnie looked over to Freddy.

Freddy nodded, kissing Bonnie's cheek also before leaving for the medicine.

Bonnie took Gregory back to his room. Gently laying him down and covering him up with his covers. 'You'll be better in no time bud, lots of rest, cuddles and medicine, and you'll be as energetic as ever!'

Gregory nodded a little and smiled, 'Thank you papa.'

(End of part 1)

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