(human) freddy and gregory: new experiences

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Freddy got back from work. It was a long day. He went back and forth and back and forth, performing on the stage. Here, there and everywhere. The kids ran around, back and forth and back and forth.

He was exhausted.

He stepped foot into the house, walking into the living room and setting his stuff down. In the corner of his eye he saw his little boy napping on the sofa, covered in his little bear blanket. He knew that if anyone could heal his exhaustion it would be Gregory. The little boy was always calm and happy. Everytime Freddy saw him it was as of a piece of his his heart had become bigger.


The little boy sat up and rubbed his eyes looking up at the tall framed man.

"It's me superstar, did you have a good nap?"

Gregory nodded and got up, making his way to Freddy and giving him a tight hug.

"I missed you"

Freddy stroked the boys hair gently and gave a small smile. He knew that when he left the little boy was left alone. He was lonely but would never admit it. Gregory hated strangers, a baby-sitter wouldn't work. Gregory was scared of dogs, a guard dog wouldn't work. Gregory didn't like big crowded places, taking him to work wouldn't work. Freddy had run out of options and had decided to just leave the boy to his own devices, no matter how much the guilt ate him alive.

"I'm quite tired today, why don't we order pizza today instead of cooking, hmm?"

Gregory looked at his dad a little confused.

"Pizza? What's that?"

Freddy had completely forgotten that the little boy hadn't experienced half of the world and its wonders yet. Freddy had been so busy, but how could he ever forget his little boy.

"It's round, there's tomato sauce and cheese. You can have any toppings on it. Its very yummy I promise"

"Any topping? Like animal crackers?"

"Well.. maybe not animal crackers..  something savoury, like cheese or ham. The things we put in your sandwiches would work"

Freddy smiled wide and kissed the boys forehead. Gregory loved animal crackers, despite being so afraid of the actual thing, animals. The little crackers were a great introduction to how they weren't a threat to the little boy.

"We can have animal crackers as desert okay?"

Gregory nodded and ran back to the sofa, cuddling up to his blanket again.

Freddy grabbed his phone and rang the pizza place, ordering 2 pizzas, a mini one for Gregory so he wouldn't feel too overwhelmed.
Once that was done, all they had to do was the waiting game. Freddy got the plates ready, the crackers ready, cleaned the house and gave Gregory a quick bath before the pizza came.

When Freddy heard the doorbell ring he put the little boy down and gently covered his ears so he wouldn't get startled.

"I'll be back in a bit okay superstar?"

Gregory nodded and watched the tall man walk to the door and open it.

The tall man walked back with two boxes in hand, placing them on the kitchen table and going to Gregory, picking him up again.

"Pizzas here, wanna see what it looks like?"

Gregory nodded and held onto Freddy as he walked to the pizzas. Freddy opened the boxes and showed the boy what they looked like.

Gregory stared at them with wonder. He had never seen something like this before. A round object with toppings. It was almost overwhelming for the little boy.

Freddy got a slice and handed it to Gregory.

"Take a bite superstar, tell me what you think"

Gregory ate a little and Freddy could see the excitement on his face.

"Is it good?"

The boy nodded and continued eating, offering it up to Freddy once he noticed the man watching him.
Freddy chuckled and took a bite to appease the boy.

"It's yummy dad! I like it"

"Now, if you eat at least half of it you can have two packets of animal crackers"

Gregorys eyes widened and smiled, the little boy liked a challenge.

"I'll do it!"

Freddy plated up the pizza for the boy and sat him down at the table with a little bib, sitting down next to him with his pizza once he was done getting Gregory ready.

"Eat up superstar"

Gregory ate his pizza, excited at the experience of the new food.
Freddy was glad that the boy liked it, glad that the boy had learnt something new.

Freddy was glad that his little boy was experiencing the world in a positive view.

(No, Chica did not smell the pizza. No, Chica is not going to come after them. Freddy would boom pow and knock her out <3)

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