Chapter 15: For Her.

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♡Clay pov♡

I got to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I sighed and leaned my hands on the counter. I looked in the mirror.

My skin isn't clear. I have some black heads on my nose.

I opened my mouth and moved my lips around.

My teeth aren't perfectly white. They have a slight tint to them.

I closed my mouth and looked at my hair.

My hair looks stupid like this. No wonder George messed with it so much.

I took off my shirt and turned my body to the side. The dozens of cuts on my arms and sides of my torso stood out a lot.

It's gonna scar just like last time.

I put my hand on my stomach and sucked in a bit.

Why isn't my stomach getting any flatter? Have I been eating too much? Shit. I definitely have. I've been too distracted taking care of George, and I forgot to skip some meals. I need to work out a lot tomorrow. I shouldn't eat either. One day without food is gonna be okay. Nothing I haven't done before. Nobody would notice. Sap never does.

I took off my shorts and boxers. I turned on the shower as cold as it could get.

This is gonna suck but it'll help.

I stepped in, shivering from the temperature. I washed my body and hair. By the time I was done, I was shaking so horribly. I put on the clean boxers, shorts, and sweatshirt, still shaking horribly. I left the bathroom and went to my room. I could still hear George in the shower. It sounds like he's crying.

♡Hour later♡

The shower finally shuts off.

George takes really long showers.

Minutes passed, and he came out of the bathroom with his shorts on and one of my t-shirts. He climbed into bed next to me and looked at me in concern.

"You're shaking the whole bed. Are you sick?" He asked in concern.

I shook my head. He covered me up with the blankets.

"Are you cold then?" He asked.

I nodded. He frowned.

"Did I do something to upset you?" He asked.

Even though I wasn't really in the mood to talk, I always knew I had to reassure George that it wasn't his fault.

"No, you didn't upset me. I've just had a rough couple of days mentally." I told him.

"Are you sure it's not my fault?" He asked.

I offered my hand, and he laid down, intertwining our fingers.

"I promise it's not your fault. It's me." I assured him.

He nodded. I shut my eyes and sighed.

"Tired?" He asked softly.

I nodded, and his fingers brushed through my hair. I leaned into the gentle touch.

It's okay for him to touch me, but I can't touch him yet. As long as it's helping him get comfortable, that's okay. Although, I'd really like to hold him.

"Your hair is cute when it's wet." He said quietly.

I smiled.

"You think so?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

I moved closer to him.

"What are we?" He asked suddenly.

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