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As the bell rang, signaling the start of another class, Jake's anxiety spiked. He had almost gotten lost twice trying to find his classroom, and now, as he walked in, all eyes were on him. The whispers started, a gentle hum that grew louder, like a swarm of bees buzzing around his head. Jake hated it, feeling like an insect under a microscope, his every move scrutinized and judged.

He scanned the room, searching for a friendly face, but found none. The students seemed to be staring right through him, their eyes cold and unforgiving. Jake felt like an outsider, a stranger in a foreign land.

That was when he saw a cute boy with his cat-like features and warm smile. He approached jake, his hand extended in greeting, and Jake felt a glimmer of hope.

"Hi! My name is Jungwon. The class president. Nice to meet you. You must be the new transferred student, right?" Jungwon asked, his voice genuine and kind.

Jake was taken aback. No one had approached him like that before. No one had smiled at him without judgment. "Uh, name is Sim Jaeyun......but you can call me Jake if you want," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jungwon's smile grew wider. "Okay, Jake! Want to sit with us?" he asked, his eyes sparkling with friendship.

Jake's confusion was evident. "Us?" he repeated, his head tilting to one side.

Jungwon chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Me, Sunoo, and Ni-ki! Come with me, I'll introduce you to them."

Jake followed Jungwon like a lost puppy, his heart racing with excitement. He had never felt this way before, like he was being accepted for who he was, without condition.

As they approached the group, Jake's nerves returned. What if they didn't like him? What if they judged him like everyone else?

But Jungwon's friends, Sunoo and Ni-ki, welcomed him with open arms. They smiled, they laughed, and they made Jake feel like he belonged.

"Hey, I'm Sunoo!" said one, with a wave of his hand.

"And I'm Ni-ki!" added the other, with a grin.

Jake smiled back, feeling a sense of belonging he had never experienced before. "Nice to meet you guys," he said, his voice a little stronger now.

When the teacher asked Jake to introduce himself, he stood up, his heart pounding in his chest. But then he heard the whispers from behind - "Hwaiting, Jake!" - the trio whispered from behind and his confidence grew. He introduced himself, his voice shaking slightly, but his heart full of gratitude.

As the class came to a close, Jake felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had survived his first class, and he had made friends. Real friends, who didn't judge him or care about his wealth.

"Thanks, guys," Jake said, as they packed up their bags. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

Jungwon smiled, his eyes warm with friendship. "Anytime, Jake. We're in this together."

And with that, Jake knew he had found his tribe, his friends, his confidants. He knew that no matter what lay ahead, he would face it with Jungwon, Sunoo, and Ni-ki by his side.

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