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Months had passed since Jake first met the trio, and their friendship had blossomed into something truly special. They were inseparable, and even Jay and Sunghoon had joined their tight-knit circle. Jake's life was finally filled with laughter, adventure, and a sense of belonging.

But amidst all the joy, Jake's past still lingered, a constant reminder of the secrets he kept hidden. His friends had no idea about his true living situation, and Jake intended to keep it that way.

One day, the trio decided to visit Jake's house, and as they entered his small apartment, they were shocked. The "rich kid" they thought they knew lived in a humble abode, devoid of luxury and excess. Jungwon's eyes widened with concern as he took in the sparse furnishings and empty fridge.

"Jake, is everything okay?" Jungwon asked, his voice laced with worry.

But Jake quickly changed the subject, not wanting to reveal the truth. "Hey, guys, let's order some pizza! I'm starving!"

The trio exchanged uneasy glances but didn't push the issue. They spent the rest of the day laughing and joking, but Jungwon's concern for Jake lingered.

Meanwhile, Heeseung seethed with anger and resentment. He couldn't believe the "rich kid" had stolen his friends, and the memories of his own past betrayals came flooding back.

One day, Heeseung's fury boiled over, and he marched towards Jake in the university hallway, his eyes blazing with anger. "You think you can just waltz in here and steal my friends?" Heeseung spat, his voice venomous. "You're greedy, attention-seeking, and manipulative!"

Jake tried to stand his ground, but Heeseung's words cut deep. Heeseung still continued his jake pushed Heeseung lightly and ran towards his house, tears stinging his eyes.

Jungwon witnessed the entire scene and chased after Jake, his heart racing with fear. "Jake, wait! Don't do anything stupid!"

As Jake stumbled into his house, his mind became a jumbled mess of emotions. Heeseung's hurtful words echoed in his mind, transporting him back to a past he thought he'd left behind. The memories of his abusive childhood, the bullying, and the feelings of worthlessness all came flooding back.

Scared and overwhelmed, Jake's thoughts turned dark. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of despair, and his own mind was betraying him. He spotted the shattered glasses on the floor and, in a moment of desperation, decided to end his "shitty life."

But just as he was about to act, a hand slapped the glasses away from his grasp. Jake looked up to see Jungwon standing before him, his eyes wide with shock and concern.

"Jake, no! Don't do it!" Jungwon exclaimed, his voice firm but gentle.

Jake felt a wave of relief wash over him, followed by a crushing sense of vulnerability. He couldn't hold back anymore. He hugged Jungwon tightly, tears streaming down his face as he let out a sob.

Jungwon wrapped a comforting arm around Jake's shoulders, drawing gentle circles on his back. "It's okay, Jake. I'm here for you. What's going on? Why were you wanting to do something scary?"

Jake sniffled, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know, Jungwon. I just feel like I don't belong. Like I'm fake."

Jungwon's grip tightened. "You're not fake, Jake. You're our precious friend, and we care about you. Do you want to tell me what's bothering you? Why were you wanting to hurt yourself?"

And then, Jake told him everything. He shared the secrets he'd kept hidden for so long – the abuse, the bullying, the feelings of worthlessness. Jungwon listened, his heart heavy with sorrow, as Jake's words poured out like a river.


Jake had grown up in Australia, but his life was far from easy. His step-parents, who had raised him in Brisbane, were cruel and heartless. They would constantly torture him, both physically and emotionally.

"You're so fat and ugly, no one will ever love you," his step-mother would say, her voice dripping with venom.

"You're a mistake, a burden," his step-father would add, his eyes filled with disgust.

They would body shame him, calling him names like "pig" and "whale". They would make him feel insecure, telling him he was stupid and couldn't do anything right.

As a punishment, they would often withhold food from him, leaving him hungry and weak.

"You don't deserve to eat, you're not worthy,we don't want to waste food for you" his step-mother would say, as she watched him beg for scraps.

They would beat him for even the smallest mistakes, leaving him bruised and scared.

"You're so clumsy, you can't even do anything right," his step-father would yell, as he hit him with his belt.

Jake's grandmother, who lived in the same city, was the only person who loved him dearly. She saw the pain in his eyes and knew she had to protect him.

"Jaeyun-ah, my dear, you are loved and worthy," she would often say, as she hugged him tightly.

Before she passed away, she wrote all her properties in Jake's name, making sure he would be taken care of.

"Jaeyun, my dear, this is for you," she said, as she handed him the documents. "If anything happens to you, it will all go to the orphanage. I want to make sure you're safe."

But despite his grandmother's efforts, Jake's life continued to spiral out of control. The bullying at school only got worse, and Jake felt like he was all alone.

"Hey, look at the weakling!" one of the bullies would say, as they pushed him around.

"Yeah, he's so skinny and pale!" another one would add, laughing.

The constant barrage of cruel words and actions finally took its toll on Jake. He felt like he couldn't take it anymore, like he was drowning in a sea of pain and suffering.

So, he made the difficult decision to leave Australia, to escape the torture and bullying that had become his life. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he felt like he had no other choice.

As he left, Jake felt a mix of emotions: sadness, fear, but also a glimmer of hope. He knew that he was leaving behind a life of pain, and that he had a chance to start anew.

End of flashback

As the night wore on, Jungwon hugged Jake tightly, and they cried together, their tears mingling as they shared a moment of raw, unbridled emotion.

Eventually, Jungwon tucked Jake into his bed, making sure he was safe and comfortable. Then, he called over everyone except Heeseung, gathering them in his living room to share Jake's story.

Jay and Sunghoon were furious when they heard about Heeseung's actions, but Jungwon calmed them down, promising to talk to Heeseung personally.

"We need to support Jake right now," Jungwon said, his voice firm but gentle. "We'll deal with Heeseung later."

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