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Ishan's Pov

We had reached Mumbai and we were walking towards my house Sara said she'll meet my parents and then go to her house so she came with me.

Before we could enter the house one of our employee who is a farmer spoke "oh, you're here. No one's at home. Everyone's at the ancestral house. They asked me to lock up before I left. Come. let's go." Feeling confused I asked him "what happend Kaka?"
"Are you not here because you head the news?" Sara looked at me while I looked back at her.

My uncle gave me the letter dad wrote before he went missing it said "it's time for a long journey, Don't search for me. I'll be back.".
"Ms. Shanta saw this in the morning when she went to give him coffee. He hadn't said anything to anyone." He said.

Sara's dad pulled me to the other side. "I came to know about it today. Jiju has alot of debts. Money lenders have started coming for their money. What should we do now?, Also you cannot leave your mother alone here. Things have changed. Take your mother with you. That's the best thing to do right now."

Feeling tired I reluctantly agreed. It's not that my mom is bad or anything, but it's clear that the reason dad left might be because of her.

Third Person's Pov

Sara and her mother where in the kitchen, Sara was making roti's while her mother was chopping vegetables.
Sara's mother: You've never even seen the kitchen. Now, you've learnt to cook, all credit goes to Shub."

Sara: I'm the one cooking and he gets all the credits.

Sara's mother: I said that because I've never seen you in the kitchen before. How is Shub? Does he like your cooking?
Sara: I don't know, you need an astrologer to know what is in his mind.

Sara's mother: You've been talking back to me since you came home. Is this how you behave there too? Don't create a bad reputation. They'll blame it on the way you were raised.

Sara: That is obviously the problem. I'm like this only because I obeyed everything you said.

Her mother went upto her and forced her to look at her.

Sara's Mother: What is the matter dear?
Sara: You don't have to interfere in this.
Sara's Mother: Tell me my dear, what happened?

Sara took a deep breath and hugged her, her teras spilling out.

Sara's parents talked to Shubman parents, both the parties talking shit about eachother.
That phoen call turned into a verbal war, while outside the living room, Sara was sitting in the garden hearing everything.

She missed him, more than she imagined. She missed his presence. His scent. And for the first time she didn't feel like she belonged here, in her house. Her home didn't feel like home. Shubman felt like home, Shreyas felt like home, Ishan felt like home. London felt like home.

She leaned to the wall when suddenly she saw her parents approaching her with a lawyer, he gave her some papers. Divorce papers. "We don't want this Sara." Her mother said.

Shubman back in London was dying to feel her presence. He tried everything to distract him, books, TV, his job but for some reason he didn't enter the room, the room he finds peace in. He couldn't, everytime he tried his heart would go back to Sara.

Everyday when he woke up the empty side of the bed broke his heart, he wanted to hold her and never let go. He wanted her back. Everytime he missed her, he would trace his fingers on the paintings she made.

He knew he is in love, but he didn't have the strength to love anyone. He can't love one more time. His wounds are still not healed. He wouldn't accept it. He would never accept it.


Shreyas's Pov

I was fixing one of the bike when coach came upto me.

Coach: hey Shreyas.
Shreyas: hey coach. What happend to you leaving the club?

Coach: Forget about me. When I enquired, I leaned that your ban will end in two months. Shreyas, you have wthe potential to be a good racer. All it takes is one good racer. It'll change your life. After that big companies will line up to sponsor you. You will get everything. Financial security, reputation. Everything.

I looked at him and he patted my shoulder and went.

Third Person's Pov

Shreyas was at Trisha's birthday party. He was with her for some time and after that he went near the corner to have some alone time. That's when Trisha's mom came to him.

Trisha's Mom: What was your name?
Shreyas: Shreyas.
Trisha's Mom: Are you a student?
Shreyas: No I stopped with school.
Trisha's Mom: oh, you must be working. Right?
Shreyas: I fix bikes. Like repair jobs.

She just looked at him and he gave her a small smile, feeling akward he left from there. He went upto Trisha to let her know that he is leaving but before he could go she grabbed his arms and held it while talking to someone not letting him go. He looked at her and then at their hands, a blush crept on his face.

It was evening and he hadn't left, she didn't leave him.

Trisha: Mom, where did you keep dad's albums?
Trisha's Mom: You kept it in your bureau.
Trisha: Really? Let me check, I'll be back.
As Trisha went her Mom came near Shreyas and sat on the sofa opposite to him.

Trisha's Mom: Army families are usually were disciplined. Trisha is also like that. But her behaviour seems to have changed recently. I'm not sure if you understand what I'm getting at. Your background is a little different from us. You know, Trisha is an ambitious girl. She got a scholarship in a good Australian University. So we're considering moving to Australia.

Trisha's Mom quickly left noticing that she is coming back. Shreyas felt hurt by the fact that she is leaving so soon. He needed her.

They went outside near the garden to find some alone time.

Trisha: what did Mumma say?
Shreyas: she is very proud of you.
Trisha: wouldn't every parent be proud of their children?
Shreyas: well, I'm not sure. She said that you are moving to Australia.
She hummed and took his hands in her's playing with his fingers.

Trisha: The final decision hasn't been made yet. Everybody says that I'd be more comfortable there. You know, with the facilities they have. But, I'll have to leave a lot behind here.

Saying that she looked at him and he looked at her, their faces were so close to eachother. Shreyas eyes darted towards her lips while Trisha's eyes darted towards his lips. Shreyas realising what they were going to do suddenly turned his face. He took their intertwined fingers and kissed her hand.

He stood up ready to go, he looked at her for the last time and went. Her mother's words were making him doubt his love for her.

The next day Shreyas went back and agreed to join the race. The whole week he practicef and practiced, mastering how to race.

One day he was went to Jo's cafe with Ishu, they were removing some old frames and stuff. When suddenly somebody's photo caught their attention. It was her, the girl with Shubman.

Shreyas: Jo, how do you know her?.


Hehe, it's a cliffhanger. Some suspense is not bad, right? Hope you guys liked the chapter! Please vote, comment and follow 🫶🏼.

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